schmilar Member


  • Also I think we should keep all the check-ins on one page rather than creating a new one for each day...what're your thoughts everyone?
  • Hi Amanda! Sorry for my absence - it was a crazy busy weekend for me. In the chaos, i cheated all weekend. I'm talking spaghetti, cheese, bread, and then a full prime rib dinner last night. I'm up 2.4 pounds as well - and ready to kick it into gear now that it's monday
  • I'm so not ready! LOL but yes let's do this everyone! I'm going to walk/run stairs 3 times over lunch each week, spin class once per week, and strength train twice per week. In combination with watching my diet closely... I've cut back on my wine consumption substantially but I'd like to cut it out entirely!
  • Are we ready for a new month?
  • Good for you though for allowing yourself a treat! My nutrition was probably about a 7.... but tomorrow is a new day ☺️ let’s kick February off strong!
  • That's awesome! I'm going to start with the progress pics I think.
  • Amazing Amanda good job! Joiah... definitely on the same page as you. I'm up 1.6 pounds today, but we'll see what the week brings :)
  • Weekend was so hard for me.... I cheated lots - had wine and pizza. But every day is a new day :)
  • How’re we doing with 4 days left?
  • For me I was like a 5/10.... I had fries and butter chicken. BUT that also taught me that with all this healthy stuff I’ve been eating, a few French fries really makes me feel disgusting. So I guess there’s that!
  • @joiahstewart thank you!!!
  • ladies there's an app called "Progress" (it's three orange arrows for the icon) where you take a picture of yourself every day, and then you can put it all in a video and see how your body has transformed over time :smiley:
  • Thanks @joiahstewart for all the detail! The IF plans i've seen have been a lot of "+500 calories this day then -500 calories these 3 days and no eating for this many hours then this day you eat all day" and it just seemed very confusing. the 16-8 seems much simpler - I'll have to investigate!
  • Wow Amanda great work!!! Joiah - I've heard that it takes 3 weeks to really get used to the diets and whatnot... that's what I'm banking on at least lol
  • Good work everyone!!!! My nutrition yesterday I'd say was a 8/10 - had some breaded fish that probably wasn't the healthiest. I haven't done the gym yet this week - juts spin class once. Need to work on that!
  • Awesome! For me, I'd like to maintain an 8 as well and hopefully lose another 2 pounds.
  • Thanks guys!
    in Macros Comment by schmilar January 2018
  • Hey guys! Count me in I’m getting married in September and need to lose 40-50 by then ☺️