maryjane159 Member


  • I’m deffo not pregnant and I haven’t scheduled with a doctor because I just thought that I must of been retaining a lot of water I never thought it would of been anything serious however after a lot of comments saying it might be I will book an appointment just to be safe.
  • @try2again I’m not sure exactly but it’s deffo not to much for me to be gaining weight all the time. I gain weight and my stomach goes huge I literally look months pregnant from bloat whenever I eat
  • @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink no I’ve gained more than that now every day since I came off my diet I have been gaining weight like 2lbs and sometimes more a day
  • @Tiny_Dancer_in_Pink sorry for not responding sooner. The meal that I eat was chicken. I’ve always noticed that whenever I eat chicken I bloat a lot and tend to get stomach ache after it but I’ve always just coped with it because it’s my favourite food. Maybe I gained the the 9lbs because chicken is a heavier food Im not…
  • @LivingtheLeanDream it’s actaully titled drink water for water weight. I was asking does drinking more water get rid of water weight because a lot of people tell me it does
  • @TravisJhunt we don’t have any ladies only gym here only mixed gyms and there is only one gym near me and some boys who used to call me fat go there aswell so I don’t want them to stare at me or make nasty comments