cancearth Member


  • Thanks for the response! Congratulations on your weight loss as well. My girlfriend and I are in this together, and her friends are also helping us out so a support group is already in place. It couldn't hurt to look into a class though, so I'll do that. I don't really trust my doctor for nutritional advice after he told…
  • Thanks so much. The kind words from everyone on here really mean a lot to me. It's really hard for me to figure out a good workout regimen because my fitness level doesn't exactly mesh with my weight. For instance, my first day in the gym I was able to do 20 minutes at a jogging pace on an elliptical trainer with very…
  • Is there anything specific you can recommend? I was browsing the link provided by L1zardQueen and none of them seem entirely suited for someone in my situation, or really at my weight.
  • Thanks! I didn't really know what to do when I first started going to them gym so I just walked on the treadmill at a moderate pace for 40 minutes and then spent 20 minutes on an elliptical trainer. It's a definite start but I know I need to do more.
  • I suppose it's possible, but honestly, even when I was eating too much, I felt full but starving at the same time. And the stomach pain from not eating was worse than the pain from eating too much, so I always stuffed my face. Now, I'm never actually that hungry, but there's always that persistent nagging feeling of being…
  • It wasn't good. A lot of fast food and still eating out, almond milk, processed foods, basically everything I shouldn't have. Sadly, the difference in diet hasn't made a big difference in the severity or frequency of symptoms related to GERD. The thing with my insurance is, it's Kaiser. Kaiser sucks. I can absolutely see a…
  • Honestly, it's only been a couple weeks since I started an actual attempt to lose weight and only a few days since I got serious about counting calories, but I'm shooting for two pounds a week. I'm just worried about my body burning what muscle I do have instead of fat if it thinks it's undernourished. I feel hungry on my…
  • Avocados are unfortunately out, which is a shame considering how much I loved avocados and guacamole in my pre-GERD life. Almost all fruits are out, too. I've gone through the entire list of alkaline fruits and the two I have the least difficulty with are bananas and apples, and even they still give me trouble. Baked…
  • Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease. Essentially, my lower esophageal sphincter stays open which allows stomach acid to constantly work its way back into my esophagus. It's like living with a heart attack all day, every day, even with medication. And it's caused me to eliminate everything but lean meat from my diet, all dairy,…