Mannerizms07 Member


  • Hey guys! I have adjusted some of my weight training as well! I have started doing HIIT cardio 3-4 times a week and adding some strength training to it! I have lost another 10-12 lbs and my dietitian and doctor are pretty happy! It doesnt happen overnight. I do let myself indulge once in a while but WITHIN REASON and…
  • Thank you! I really like these! I am not trying to lose fast but I will check those starter programs out as well! I just kinda want to get the strength/toning started so I can get my metabolism going with what I want to do. I did take 2 days off this week, but my eating and sleeping has been right on point. Thank you so…
  • Hey guys! Sorry, my work out schedule I know is a bit off kilter, this is temporary until I am able to have steady shifts. With this I have been keeping my food intake has been really good and I end up only a couple hundred cals under. I do intend on switching this up, but as I am literally JUST being able to start the…
  • Well I want to post the work outs I have been doing (and honestly I LOVE them!) Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: Cardio on my indoor cylce 25-35 minutes, walk for 45 mins - 2 hours (permitting my work hours) Thursday: Arm workouts Friday: Chest Workouts Saturday: Leg day (beast mode!) I felt so much more energenic after…
  • Open my eyes and think crap I gotta Work today (it’s my Monday today)
  • So I started doing a toning/strength training I will focus on one part of my body (per day) and this is for 3 days a week (due to my work schedule) the other 4 days is straight cardio (riding my indoor cycle then adding my bike when I use that to go to work!)
  • I am actually looking to buy a bike when I get my taxes back, this way I will be riding the bike to and from work daily... summer is going to be a killer for me (I live in Arizona, gets to 114+ daily!) but looking to add something a little extra to my work outs! I have seen to stop depending on the scale as I am seeing…
  • I too am in Tucson! I hiked almost all the way into 7 falls last weekend! I also like to go the Douglas Trailhead next to the horse ranch off Bear canyon road!
  • I joined because I am now ready to really buckle down and get as much extra weight as possible.