Those of us who are Obese



  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    I do see where you're coming from, but in order for me to get to a good fitness level, I had to cut my calories so the weight would drop and I could run up two flights of stairs without getting winded. Exercise did help reduce my appetite, my stress, and my boredom, which made it easier to stick with the program, but I've always eaten a well-rounded healthy diet... just too much of it.

    For me, it's all interconnected. But being a short (5'3") woman, my calorie requirements are probably a bit less than yours, so I have less wiggle room. Especially as I get closer to my ideal weight.
  • OldHobo
    OldHobo Posts: 647 Member
    I started at 274, down about 40 with maybe 60 to go. One word of caution, I was off to a good start a couple years ago with primary exercise being long walks. Got run over by a car on the sidewalk and that halted progress and I gained back all I'd lost plus some more.

    Keep up the good work and be careful on that bicycle.
  • Mannerizms07
    Mannerizms07 Posts: 10 Member
    Hey guys! Sorry, my work out schedule I know is a bit off kilter, this is temporary until I am able to have steady shifts. With this I have been keeping my food intake has been really good and I end up only a couple hundred cals under. I do intend on switching this up, but as I am literally JUST being able to start the resistant training, I am starting slow right now. I do keep everyone's advice on hand (and really do appreciate all the help!) I just am stuck this way to keep a routine going and then switch it around. @thesatchito I do the same thing with spice! I live in Arizona and picked up quite the spicy habit :D

    But again, this is gonna be slow and steady for ME. This is about losing healthy and toning for me right now.
  • Mannerizms07
    Mannerizms07 Posts: 10 Member
    Okiludy wrote: »
    I started out at 300 and am now at 240. I also have a powerlifting total of 1145 and am working on hitting a 1200 total by the end of this year. I am not losing more as weight loss effects my lifts and I have a 38" waist now and will likely hit 36" by April at the same weight.

    My advice would be 3 main things.
    1. Calorie deficit is more important than anything else for weight loss. Keto, intermittent fasting, or any other trendy diet doesn't really matter as long as you are in a deficit.
    2. Start a beginner program from . It really doesn't matter the one you pick, but I do prefer Starting Strength. The reason is you will lose muscle during a weight loss. You can combat this by lifting. The beginner programs listed here work. Many of us have tried them and proven that they do work.
    3. This brings me to the something many don't think of with exercise and training. You need your recovery. Make sure not to sabotage your progress by not sleeping enough or trying to lose to quick. Once you start seeing the progress you might think if I go a bit more into deficit I'll lose faster or I can train 7 days a week. This is not healthy and if training cardio or strength it can *kitten* up what you are attempting to accomplish.

    Thank you!

    I really like these! I am not trying to lose fast but I will check those starter programs out as well! I just kinda want to get the strength/toning started so I can get my metabolism going with what I want to do. I did take 2 days off this week, but my eating and sleeping has been right on point. Thank you so much for the advice!!!! :)
  • mjbnj0001
    mjbnj0001 Posts: 1,121 Member
    You're going about it with the right attitude (slow is best). I'm down about 65+ lbs from my high, have a good 50+ more lbs. to go. It's a slow process to do it right (more than a year for me so far), and 1-1.5 lbs./week is a sustainable pace.

    1. Be careful about your weighing. Pick a routine and stick with it, and be prepared for frustration and push through that. I'm on a bit of a plateau right now, and reworking my general plan around that. My routine is weighing every day, just before I step into the shower. I weigh 3 times (get on and off the digital scale) and take the average or mode, as the the number can change between reading for a host of reasons. I chart my progress just so I can see the decline visually. However, daily weighing has a danger in that it is easy to bounce around a pound or two each way each day, for things such as water weight. I like to keep tabs and a tight leash and continually adjust my lifestyle. There are others that think you should only weigh once a week or less frequently. No one is "righter" than others, it's got to just work for you. Doing daily has a mental cost from the fluctuations, just keep on grinding through.
    2. Most of my weight came from dietary modification, and MFP has been great for that. Not just calories, but awareness of what's going into my body. I've just retired, and am doing the bulk (all) of the family cooking, and by adopting better, cleaner foods, we're getting good results. However, I'm down to about 2000 cal/day through dietary control, and am finding it difficult to sustain many less cals/day for any length of time (short fasts or reductions are easy). So ...
    3. I'm increasing my activity levels. I've always been a big guy, but historically active: football/shotput in high school, scuba instructor nights/wkends while computer programming during the weekdays, and, decades ago, bicycle touring. The came promotions in my IT career, extensive, long-term business travel, family and other obligations, life things, etc., all leading to less or no real activity, except for sailing (I'm a boatowner on the New Jersey coast - there's no real cardio in sailing). The weight came on. And on and on. So, now, as a retirement/Christmas gift, I have a new bike and am working hard at an invigorated lifestyle. My docs are thrilled with the idea of me cycling, and I'd suspect yours would be too - low impact, good cardio, etc., in addition to the calorie burn. So, as of Jan 1st, I'm on a gradual physical buildup program centered on cycling as my "now-current job to get healthy." Since it's winter, I can't ride outside as often as I'd like, so I hit the gym in the off days. 5 of 7 days a week I strive to do one or the other. You need to rest your body a little also.

    Good luck in your endeavors. Get ready for the long haul, and keep your end state in mind. I made up a poster and taped it to my refrigerator, just to keep me reminded.
  • Kohanai
    Kohanai Posts: 172 Member
    You're kicking butt, so keep it up! Every person is different, but an important thing to keep in mind when trying to loose a large amount of weight is to just continue chipping at it. Eat well (and watch your portions), stay active.

    As others mentioned, the deficit will lead to loss of lbs so you need to burn more than you eat. As you get more confident in your ability to move well, and control those movements, start adding weight. I started at 273, and I'm down to 237. It takes time, but if you stay consistent, the weight loss will happen.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    gtm197 wrote: »
    One attributes it all to rowing, but she's old. The young ones lift to keep and build muscle and muscle is what makes a body shapely.

    I’m 65 and lift 3-4x a week. 65 is not old my friend. Not sure what point you’re making by saying “but she’s old, the young ones lift....”

    Damn right.

    Mad Re5pext.

  • AnnPT77
    AnnPT77 Posts: 32,884 Member
    Motorsheen wrote: »
    gtm197 wrote: »
    One attributes it all to rowing, but she's old. The young ones lift to keep and build muscle and muscle is what makes a body shapely.

    I’m 65 and lift 3-4x a week. 65 is not old my friend. Not sure what point you’re making by saying “but she’s old, the young ones lift....”

    Damn right.

    Mad Re5pext.

    Just a wild guess, but I think he might have been teasing . . . someone. Maybe someone ol'. ;)