hotchiccy Member


  • Rofl!!! I clearly don't look at all approachable while I'm at the gym because the only people who've ever spoken to me are a guy who helped me work out how to adjust a stuck machine and my neighbours who apparently use the same gym! Haha! Do what do I do?! Tbh, nothing really. I just stick my earphones in and try to look…
  • Blimey, that's a lot of replies!! Thanks, everyone!!! Okay, so I'll try to address everything here. There was never any visible swelling or bruising. It was a very mild sprain and I am a massive baby, lol. My chiropractor said there was a fair bit of internal swelling when she saw it a week or two after it happened but…
  • Hi 00missy I am an ex-M.E/CFS sufferer so I wanted to reply because I know exactly what you're going through. In my case, I had a vicious bout of (suspected swine) flu over Christmas 2010 and developed PVFS. It took me 6 months to get better, then I got chicken pox (of all bloody things!!!) in January 2011, and developed…
  • Thanks so much everyone for your replies! It's not a really bad sprain, I think. There was no bruising and no obvious swelling, just an awful lot of pain. But I've actually never sprained an ankle before and I haven't known what to expect at all! I did go to the gym last week and just do an upper body workout (before I'd…