How to look less approachable at the gym?



  • Orphia
    Orphia Posts: 7,097 Member
    "Can't talk. Concentrating." Look away.
  • hotchiccy
    hotchiccy Posts: 6 Member
    Rofl!!! I clearly don't look at all approachable while I'm at the gym because the only people who've ever spoken to me are a guy who helped me work out how to adjust a stuck machine and my neighbours who apparently use the same gym! Haha!

    Do what do I do?! Tbh, nothing really. I just stick my earphones in and try to look like I'm focused!
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    you look like me >.> no one talks to me ever, i think its the tattoos XD

    I know.....I must look like an one has ever popped over and started a conversation.
    Not complaining though!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    dsboohead wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    you look like me >.> no one talks to me ever, i think its the tattoos XD

    I know.....I must look like an one has ever popped over and started a conversation.
    Not complaining though!

    i assume its the tats because the only girl iv ever been intimidated by at a gym was heavily tattood. I see girls liftign all the time very heavy but something about her just read stay the *kitten* away im working out lol
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    dsboohead wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    you look like me >.> no one talks to me ever, i think its the tattoos XD

    I know.....I must look like an one has ever popped over and started a conversation.
    Not complaining though!

    i assume its the tats because the only girl iv ever been intimidated by at a gym was heavily tattood. I see girls liftign all the time very heavy but something about her just read stay the *kitten* away im working out lol

    The serious females at the gym I've seen look as though they will rip your head clean off your shoulders then roll it past the treadmills.
    Talk to them?! Why?! :#
  • dsboohead
    dsboohead Posts: 1,899 Member
    Nothing like the 90's when the gym was a pick up joint! Those thong work out gear screamed meet me in my car out back!
  • zdyb23456
    zdyb23456 Posts: 1,706 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Just keep muttering out loud while doing sets: "kick him in the gut, 1, kick him in the nuts, 2, kick him while he's down, 3" and repeat for each count of three... I am fairly sure I wouldn't approach :smile:

    Or wear headphones and when someone talks to you point to the headphones and YELL: IS LOUD. CAN'T HEAR YOU! SORRY!... smile or wave, and go right back to what you were doing completely ignoring them.

    Might be embarassing if they just want to use some equipment you're hogging... but hey.

    I just leave my headphones on and wave hello and I don’t stop what I am doing.
  • betty_veronica4
    betty_veronica4 Posts: 196 Member
    Speak back in a foreign language and look confused.

    Or, just say, "Sorry, on a time crunch to get all my sets in. Have a great day!"
  • positivepowers
    positivepowers Posts: 902 Member
    Sam29a wrote: »
    I think I'm too worried about offending people, but you're right, I should be more honest. It's nothing personal, just rather not chat.

    Why don't you just say that? "It's nothing personal, just rather not chat." If you feel that's too harsh and you need to elaborate, add that you need to concentrate on your workout.

    If that doesn't work
    1. Grunt really loud during all of your lifts.
    2. Scream "lightweight baby!" after you're done a set.
    3. Find the biggest guy in the gym and slap his rear then call him soft.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    zdyb23456 wrote: »
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Just keep muttering out loud while doing sets: "kick him in the gut, 1, kick him in the nuts, 2, kick him while he's down, 3" and repeat for each count of three... I am fairly sure I wouldn't approach :smile:

    Or wear headphones and when someone talks to you point to the headphones and YELL: IS LOUD. CAN'T HEAR YOU! SORRY!... smile or wave, and go right back to what you were doing completely ignoring them.

    Might be embarassing if they just want to use some equipment you're hogging... but hey.

    I just leave my headphones on and wave hello and I don’t stop what I am doing.

    ya do that. Can still say hello but the second you pause stand up and engage its you saying your okay to talk to. Dont stop what your doing smile say hi but keep going :p theyll get the point fast enough
  • Meelisv
    Meelisv Posts: 235 Member
    edited March 2018
    I wonder if it might also be country/culture dependent.
    Over the last few years I have been to few different gym's and haven't really noticed people approach others to randomly chat or generally bother them, even though there have beena some very good looking girls (and some probably attractive looking guys too) at all of them.

    But as others have said - wearing headphones helps, specially bigger ones, which are noticable from far away. ( I couldn't imagine going to a gym without something playing on my headphones anyway). Dedicated and "in the zone" expression certainly helps too.

    Also, don't be afraid to sound rude. If someone you don't know bothers you, send them straight to somewhere deep, where sun doesn't shine :smiley:
    As a last resort gym usually has staff, you can notify them. Specially if there is one specific person who is constantly really annoying .
  • deputy_randolph
    deputy_randolph Posts: 940 Member
    I have the opposite problem: I look much more unfriendly than I am...and I'm really not that friendly.

    I just say, "Let go get this done, and I'll be back in a minute."

    And then don't go back...
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Sp1tfire wrote: »
    I wear headphones, don't wear makeup, don't smile, and don't make eye contact. If someone talks to me I give curt but not rude answers as needed and keep doing what I was doing.

    This plus baggy clothes.

    If all that fails then one of these too:
    kitaemma wrote: »
    When I don’t feel like being bothered I have 2 go to shirts, one that says “do not disturb” and one that just says “nope”. They get the job done haha
    goatg wrote: »
  • mengqiz86
    mengqiz86 Posts: 176 Member
    - Do not make eye contact with anybody.
    - When someone approach you, hesitate for 2 seconds before taking headphones off
    - Practice your game face. When people see it, they get it.
  • Mazintrov13
    Mazintrov13 Posts: 134 Member
    lmao wow.. opposite for me. People stay AWAY from me everywhere I go. I'm told I have resting *kitten* face and come off as intimidating to people. I can be working out with 3 open benches around me and then when i move, everyone goes over there. Maybe it's the vibe we put out?? I have never ever had anyone approach me at the gym. People look everywhere else but at me when I'm out and about too.

    I have also been told I having “resting *kitten* face” and utilise it as much as possible at the gym (I’m introverted and hate chatting at the gym) but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to help.
    People (mainly men) constantly try and start conversations no matter how pissed off I look