caragayles Member


  • I'm in. Yall have my support. Alcohol has contributed to a lot of excess calories and excess toxic waste in my body. I'm tired of it and I'm actively making a change. Had one drink all week which I think is good for right now. I used to have wine every night, and more than one glass. I'm not doing that to myself any more.…
  • My elementary students missed me yesterday as I was out sick, and one started calling me "Queen Lastname" which I thought was hilarious and sweet. Four of them set up their books at my desk because they wanted to hear me better during my lesson as my screen is broken and I have to do it all by talking now. I got lots of…
  • Can I step in and say, I have not had any luck with Tinder, Bumble, etc. Bumble is probably the worst because the guy literally gets to sit back and do nothing except wait. These sites are terrible in that they provide easy access and a new person every weekend or night if need be. There are lots of disrespectful, rude,…