I understand it might take an very experienced lifter to answer this
Im doing keto because it suppress my appetite never sad anything about it being magic for weightloss
Its 50 total / 25 carbs then 25 fiber
If you count me being on day 3^ but these last 2 days have been under 45 garms so perfect keto
Also day 1 was the day i over ate the carbs just to clarify
Yeah that was the plan but i wanted to hear our from anyone who has experience doing keto to save me the potential time.
Still need answers
Ive done it up to almost 3 weeks before and noticed i wasnt ever hungry but not long enough to notice if there would be any negative affects of the diet
Just to clear the air up here ik that im satisfied on keto ive dont it before but never finished my diet with it because i thought j was going to the extreme by doing it and told myself i could diet without it eating normally, but ive proven myself i cant so thats why im going back on keto.
Bump would like to hear more opinions.
Ehh0.5 would drive me crazy with 20 pounds needed to lose