AZMary50 Member


  • Congratulations on your decision to fight this addiction! What a hard addiction to break, but you CAN do it! Your body will start thanking you once it has more distance from your recent sugar intake. 1) Eat a piece, or a few pieces, of fruit in the morning -on an empty stomache. (Don't overdo it and don't eat it quickly:…
  • I agree with Cheryl's advice. When I got stuck and pounds would just not budge anymore, I would up my calories for a few days, and then go back down to normal intake. That kick-started my system again. I'm not sure why it works, but it's worked for me every time. Either way, for my height at only 5'1' - my recommended…
  • What drink did you take to reduce your inflammation? What it like a tea or something? I’m very curious! icanmovemountains, My daughter used to sell Amway. I started buying the XS drinks to support her. The cans are small and have about a cup of coffee caffeine in them. The energy comes from the B12 vitamins and other B…
  • I'm sorry you have to struggle with Chronic pain. It's amazing that you are pushing yourself to exercise despite the pain! I had chronic pain for years. What kept me motivated was the feeling that I needed to keep movement in my body that would become stiff. Found out after years of Drs. visit some things I was doing was…