Celticfan93 Member


  • Haven’t been lifting like I usually do since I’m a lot weaker when cutting. Just been focusing on cardio. Deadlift: 405 for 10 reps Don’t really squat lol Bench: 255 for 10 reps
  • Hummus with carrots or celery when cutting. If I’m on a low carb diet then beef jerky and boiled eggs.
  • @buggy323 I do both, wouldn’t want to waste a cycle.
  • @bbooth_irl there’s been a bunch of studies stating that it’s worse for you then regular coke and some that say it’s not that bad. I personally drink about 2 cans of diet ginger ale a day and it’s never affected my weight loss. If your competing in men’s physique or something then you might wanna cut it out. But for the…
    in Diets Comment by Celticfan93 March 2018
  • @amccaffrey23 have you tried going to a gym?
    in Diets Comment by Celticfan93 March 2018
  • Yeah it gets tough sometimes but the key is to stay busy and drink plenty of water/zero cal drinks. If that doesn’t work you can always go the appetite suppressant route.
    in Diets Comment by Celticfan93 March 2018
  • I've personally been cutting sugar out and skipping breakfast. Usually have my first meal of the day around 3:30 pm. Try not to eat past 5/6 pm. I prefer having 1 big meal a day compared to something like 5 small meals throughout the day.
    in Diets Comment by Celticfan93 March 2018