dawnplc Member


  • Good luck hun x
  • Hi there yes i totally get where you're coming from. The doctor said its a very strict diet & even he couldn't stick to it. He said he'd be happy for me to increase my daily cals by 400 per day. He said see how i get on & if i start getting hungry ive to increase my cals. Thank you for your advice x
  • Thank you Kat, i think we all need a little inspiration sometimes. Hope you're doing ok with your diet. I wasn't going to use the forum either lol. But i guess it helps to chat and let people help you while you help others etc x
  • Hi there oh yes i totally agree. None actually as to stick buy 1,000 to 1,200 cals not at all. Its just I'm trying this for serious health reasons. Because of my heavy weight on this app its saying i should be aiming for 1,836 cals a day. So there you go. But i want rid of my weight asap for health issues. If i find im not…
  • Hi Maria so sorry for your losses there. Thats so hard to deal with. Any loss at any age is extremely difficult to cope with. On a lighter note no pun intended ha ha well done with your weight loss. Thats absolutely fantastic. You must be so proud of yourself & rightly so. Keep at it and you'll succeed x
  • I'm here!! Need 2 lose between 10 & 15 stone. I lost 8st in 2014 but put it all back on again. Silly me. I didn't join a slimming club i just did my own diet. So here i am again after finding out this week that im diabetic. 3 day on healthy eating. Im aiming for 1,000 to 1,200 cals a day. So its a very strict diet. I…
  • Hi it's fairly easy once you get use to it. Heres an example For breakfast 2 wheatabix with a large chopped banana & 150ml semi skimmed milk. Lunch 3 ryvita with 2 lightest laughing cow cheese triangles with cucumber or tomato or a wholemeal crushy cob with light grated cheese & tomato or onion. Evening meal grilled…
  • New here just testing if this is how to reply to a message lol x