LoKoMi Member


  • You’ll be fine! You’re back on track and you enjoyed the week with family and food, right? What an awesome blessing. One week isn’t even 2% of the year! A very small amount of time. I’m betting if it only takes you one week longer to reach your goals you won’t regret it.
  • You got this my friend! I just turned 50, lost 65 with 10 more to go. My husband (49) was close to your weight, lost about 30 so far with no real goal just better health in mind. We might not be “magazine” or even “Instagram” sensations, but stick with it and you won’t need to be featured in AARP magazine as the…
  • OH MI GOSH GWAR! I saw them way back in the late 80s. Wild times! I was into the local punk/metal scene. Good times! None of the bands made it big, and 35 years later a few are still trying. I saw so many concerts. Now at age 50 I couldn’t pick a favorite. I had much different criteria for a “good” show when I was 18. My…
  • I remember hearing the news while dancing at my wedding 😭 (Silver anniversary Monday- I was so caught up in wedding prep/drama and without internet it took that long!)
  • https://www.thirdlove.com/blogs/unhooked/where-to-donate-your-old-bras
  • I’m 60 pounds down with 15 more to go. At first I had a mix of comfortable and slightly tight clothes, plus stretchy pants that accommodated a wide size range. Somewhere around 25 pounds I had to start pinning my shirts to my bra straps so they’d stay on my shoulders and only the clothes that were originally slightly tight…
  • Yes! Other ideas to consider, or “Things I’d do differently if I knew then what I know now:” Use homeschooling to your advantage! Spend as little time as possible at desks and tables, especially when they’re little but also when they’re older. You can do math facts while bouncing a ball or on a mini trampoline. Count while…
  • ps Phys Ed *is* and important part of the school day, so find a way to fit it in. It might mean a different sort of workout for you. If you’re able, join a class with them. My husband does martial arts with our youngest- that’s a good option for mixed ages and abilities.
  • I’m in my last weeks of my 40s, and my youngest graduates in May so my last weeks of homeschooling too. I don’t want to discourage you but I wasn’t able to get to the gym until last year. But that’s mainly due to my laziness and lack of finances for gym membership. My local YMCA has free childcare during certain hours, and…
  • Could you switch out your breakfast if your usual is something you could bring for lunch? Other lunch ideas: Hard boiled egg Hummous with veggie sticks Apple and peanut butter Cheese stick or cubes
  • Is your only reason for adding milk to cool it down? If so just make ice cubes out of leftover coffee and throw one or two in. If you do want the cream flavor, unsweetened vanilla almond milk only has 15 calories per 1/2 cup
  • I get it. I’m a licensed cosmetologist plus I have a daughter in beauty school. A good hair day is really magnified by a great salon style. Blow out here usually refers to a temporary straightening treatment- a little more involved than just a typical blow-dry style, often an upcharge, so definitely something to ‘protect’…
  • Nice! Your starting weight and goal is the same as mine! CLOTHES!!! When I got to 200 I had to get rid of clothes. I was pinning my tops to my bra so they wouldn’t slide off my shoulders!!! Thrift stores are my friend- I’d donate boxes full and come out with a few new things. New underwear was necessary. I’m buying more…
  • 5’4”, age 49 SW 225+ CW 169.8 Goal is “150 by 50”, but I hit a plateau so I’ll just be happy if I’m in the 150s by the end of next month Lowest I remember being was 126 when I was 17. I thought I was fat because people are jerks and told me I was. Now I’m 170 and people are telling me I look skinny 🤣 I’m hoping I can…
  • I LOVE THIS!!! Reminds me of how I feel about a “Spending plan” vs. a “Budget” for my money. Budget feels too much like a list of “NOs”, spending plan helps me tell my money what to do. “Precise” weights and measurements just tell us how many calories of a food fit into our eating plan. I have just broken though a 2+month…
  • Age 49 5’4” SW 225+ CW 171 Some people noticed after I lost about 20-25, especially once I replaced too-big clothes with more current styles and better-fitting shirts More people now that I’ve lost over 50, my jeans size has gone from 22 to 12 Funniest story, I have a 23 year old daughter who lives away at college and…
  • I put the serving size in the title of the recipe. For example this past week we had: 1/2 C mac n cheese 1 C white chili 4oz Italian roast 1/2 C sauce and vegetables There are four in my house who are counting calories, one other using MFP and two use a different app. I do the majority of the meal planning, grocery…
  • My Sh’Bam class plays a lot of Jason Derulo- Tiptoe is my fave 80s industrial is more my style- Nitzer Ebb, Front 242, Ministry. I’d pay extra if someone made that into a cardio dance fitness class
  • Oh gosh NO! If you tell them you’re broke and can’t afford it they will work even harder to convince you to sign up to sell under them because then you’ll get a discount on the overpriced products AND you can “invest” money in a starter kit and inventory and soon you’ll be raking in the cash 🙄