Thanks everyone. Good ideas. If this was a more permanent situation I would probably invest in another little produce fridge but it’s very temporary. But thanks for the ideas. Got the wheels turning a little bit more. 😆
Oh my word I know. This was the second time she’s said something to me. She followed up by asking how I like being her best friend. lol She’s a super funny kid but yeah. Kids=0 filter.
Can I just’s been a tough week. With that video thing and then a 4 year old asking my why I look so big.... she literally was like “what did you eat? Why do you look like this (holding arms out wide) Whaaaaaat the heck??? Come freaking on... lol I didn’t thing i looked THAT freakishly big. So all that being said,…
Well said @noumena_ Nice to know I'm not the only one.
Wow, yeah lots of good thoughts here. Thanks a lot. It's very true that others don't see us the way we see ourselves. (Thank goodness! lol) refocusing. Tomorrow I'm going to try to go for a walk. I'm gonna keep meal planning and choosing whole foods. I look forward to the time I catch a glimpse and go whoa...I'm…
I think so. We’re going with friend that used to live there. And it’s not until November so I actually do have time to get my butt in gear! Lol I would love to share some pics. :) Very much hoping to be a healthier weight by then.
You’re a genius.
Ok. I’ll give it a try. Since I’ve typed all this out twice now this is going to be more condensed. Essentially no, I’m not walking yet but that’s the goal. We’re taking the train up the mountain but have some hiking planned. Where in Mexico are you headed? My husband is from there. And lastly I’ve had a couple crappy days…
Yeah I did.
Ah!!! It just did it again?? Where does all of my post go?
Wow...I wrote a lot more than just “thanks” for my last response. What the heck?