

  • With the program that my husband and I are on,we are supposed to eat every 2-3 hours. If you starve yourself, your body goes into starvation mode and makes you store fat, when you are not eating. When you are hungry, eat. It will keep your metabolism up and by the end of the day you will be satisfied. Make sure that what…
  • Make sure that you are eating things that don't have alot of carbs in it too, and make sure you don't eat lots of carbs after 7. If you already know this I'm sorry :( If you eat carbs that are not complex too close to bed time, you will not burn the fat. If you are staying at the same weight, you may be eating too late and…
  • Congratulations on the weight loss! That is so awesome. I would make sure to buy some new clothes in your sizeif you haven't already. Sometimes that makes a difference on the way you look. The difference is in the scale,sizes and your attitude. If you started out pretty big and you are not exercising and toning your…
  • My husband uses a protein shake as a meal replacement on a weight management program. Its not on the market yet, The people that have tested it and the consultants that are marketing to those who want it,have lost weight,my friend is on his 4th week on the program,and has lost 34 pounds and many inches. Its not food,but…
  • that is awesome girl. You look great! Keep up the great job. It pays off!
  • Awesome. It's exciting to see progress isn't it. Way to go and keep up the good work!
  • I haven't tried it before,but my mother in law has before and she said it didn't give her very much energy at all and she does have lots of anxiety. It also did make her jittery. We now take a nutritional drink that gives us energy for pretty much the whole day and nutrition at the same time which does the trick. No…