BeckyBeebs Member


  • Agree with other posters. I'm usually pretty spot-on to her calorie and nutrient amounts - after I check and correct what MFP "matched" for me. Another thing, I sometimes alter the serving size and/or drop/add ingredients - so if you select one of my skinnytaste recipes, it won't match her cookbook/site. For example, one…
  • Second Fabletics and Old Navy. I also have good luck with the C9 Champion compression high-waisted and RBX. All pass the squat test. High waisted seems to be the key for me to have them stay in place.
  • I workout early am fasted because I don't like the feeling of something in my stomach and have felt like I was going throw up on some workouts when I have eaten (no matter how little). Only time I haven't felt fueled is when I've had little to no dinner the night before from working late. I eat about an hour after working…
  • Old Navy, C9 (Target) and Fabletics are my stand-bys. Occasional RBX and a brand I can't recall from Amazon - but the sizing and quality are very inconsistent so it's a desperation buy normally.
  • I follow a 12 week guide that has daily cardio (HIIT/LISS alternating) and then strength circuits. Today was lower and upper body; should also have been 11 minutes of HIIT, but I was too time crunched because I merged two days together since I missed yesterday's gym time to vote. There are 2 circuits each day with 3 moves…
  • Great job getting started and love your sense of humor! I'm on W3 (of a different version). I've done it once before (then fell off the wagon for a while), and for some reason, the jump from W4 (5 min) to W5 (8 min) was killer for me. Had to repeat W4 3x before I could move on, but suspect it was as much a mental block as…
  • Haven't done the BBG. I follow Sia Cooper's 12 week Strong Body guides with very good results - did 3 rounds, and now on my fourth after a summer fall off the wagon. ~$50 a guide, and she has 3 versions. Easy to use, very little equipment needed and kicks my butt every round. I liked her focus on being strong vs just…
  • Have you looked at the Bowflex adjustable weights? A bit of an investment, but gives you everything from 5# to 55# in one compact set. Stopped the need to buy new ones when I moved up, and my husband and I can now use the same weights. I also liked that they have a safety lock feature to prevent the kids from using (and…
  • I'll have to check out their meal plans - I have many of their cookbooks. Skinnytaste has similar weekly meal plans, and I love her on-line and cookbook recipes for easy, healthy and delicious meals too. Most of her recipes have been logged in MFP already.
  • Everyone has commented on all but the bad eating at night. I work late hours, so to ensure I eat well at night I prep a meal each Sunday for M-Thurs. It ensures I have something healthy and within my calorie/macro range - but super easy to grab when I'm tired or need to get to bed. It also means, however, I eat the same…
  • Seconds app (paid version) for my running, circuit and interval training program. So much easier to focus on form and internal pep talking when I don't have to watch a timer or worry about what I'm supposed to do next. It just tells me with a nice light 3-2-1 count down. (iTunes is actually my number one - while not a…
  • has free weekly meal plans that are easy to prepare, delicious and either low carb or very easy to adapt to be low carb. Occasionally includes a recipe that's only available in her cookbooks though - but you can usually search pinterest to find them.
  • I follow this program: It's a corny website name, but her 12 week guide/programs have been very effective for me. I lost 15 inches in 12 weeks, added a fair amount of muscle and increased my cardio stamina; I "only" lost 6 pounds, but didn't focus at all on the CI portion of CICO. I'm…
  • Look up zucchini boats - and just zucchini in general - on She has some great recipes I make frequently, including the turkey taco zucchini boats. All are calorie and macro friendly, while also being delicious.
    in Zucchini Comment by BeckyBeebs May 2018
  • Classic hourglass and you look great as you are - seriously. If you truly want to tone up, then I agree - lift weights or do circuit/hiit training. Lifting is not only good for the body but great for the confidence/ego as well.
  • My go to's are overnight oat bowls (lots of recipes on-line but Skinnytaste's are the best), egg muffins you can bake Sunday and eat two a day for breakfast and protein shakes with one scoop flavored protein powder, 1 cup of fruit (strawberries for me) and one cup of almond milk. If I'm lazy, I just grab toast with almond…