Postgradgal Member


  • Breakfast: Coffee + soy milk, 2 eggs, sausage, banana Lunch: Tuna salad sandwich on ezekiel bread, carrots Snack: Apple Dinner: Elotes, brussels sprouts, bbq tofu Dessert: Chocolate chia pudding, mandarin oranges
  • Hello everyone! Just rejoined as well, no friends here! Lost 40 pounds with MFP a few years ago and gained half of it back, looking to reprioritize my health! Btw I am not “dieting” just trying to eat healthier, watch my portions, increase activity level, and keep it to 2,000 calories. So no crash dieting or food-shaming…
  • I am a grad student! please add me I just joined! Live in Massachusetts and I’m juggling school, looking for work, studying for comprehensive exams, finding a new apartment, and a new relationship! It’s a lot and I feel overwhelmed but I’d like to make my health a priority again. Lost 40 pounds on MFP rigg after undergrad…