velvetgtr Member


  • 5'10, 25 pound weight loss from Starting weight of 330 to current weight 305 and I see no difference at all! It is very frustrating so I don't tell ppl I've lost anything even though they always ask cause they notice my lifestyle change. I've come to accept the fact I won't get drastic results because of my height. Oh well!
  • Yes that has been issue the past couple of nights. Not getting enough calories because I'm only eating vegetables fruits and lean protein. Like how I do reach 1500(or your 1000) by only eating healthy!
  • First Ramadan counting calories and I'm trying to get 1500 in in one setting. I don't know if that's good or bad. 1500 has been phenomenal for my weight loss but it's usually spread out throughout the day.
  • Hi I will be fasting and am very anxious to see how this will effect my on going weight loss efforts! I plan to eat iftar and then immediately go to the gym to get at least an hour of cardio in then come home and eat a full meal. Very healthy of course....might cut out starches I don't know. My dad said just put working…
    in Ramadan Comment by velvetgtr May 2018