RoyaltyTB Member


  • BP is 140/90, A1C is 6.5. Doc recommended an expedited weight loss so that I could avoid being put on medication - at 340lbs I’m considered morbidly obese. She is a new (new to me) doctor and I didn’t much care for her - thinking this may have been a bit of an overreaction. Do I need to lose weight? Absolutely. I’m just…
  • I really appreciate the feedback - I have a habit of talking myself out of things I don’t really want to do and needed some validation that wasn’t happening. I have an appointment to follow up in 3 weeks. I plan on increasing my calories until then. I did lose 4.5 lbs this week, but the emotional roller coaster is NOT…
  • Hi everyone - Currently 345. I have a few goals: 1. Lose 7% (-24lbs), 2. Lose 10% (-35lbs), 3. Be under 300 (-45lbs), 4. Lose 100 lbs. My doctor also had a "coming to Jesus" talk with me, and I need to do this - its my last chance before becoming medicated and hopeless. :(