Then I will go back to my favorite post workout breakfast of oatmeal mixed with my protein powder, peanut butter and Greek yogurt!
I feel more alert and attentive while fasting, but only have done it off and on so far. I also don’t mind doing my cardio or weight lifting on an empty stomach. (Plus I am super self conscious about throwing up at the gym). The need to eat first might change once I change my workout to bulk instead of right now I am…
Oh man....does that mean I fell for a ruse and I don’t NEED to fast? Does that mean that working out on my empty stomach first thing in the morning isn’t really beneficial either?
Thanks, I favorited a page with a bunch of different programs earlier so I will look into that one! You have been very informative for me so far, would you mind a friend request?
I did 2 miles on the treadmill today! My running goal is to be able to do a 5k my friends work is sponsoring in October. I walked more than I ran today, but I will fix that!
He set me up to do Squats 5x5, Overhead Shoulder Press 5x5, Bench Press 5x5, Dumbbell Curls 3x10 and Tricep Pulldowns 3x10
I don’t mind hearing brutal honesty, or being blunt...Skinny fat is just how one of the trainers described me when we spoke because literally all my fat is in my stomach area and I am scrawny everyplace else...We didn’t know my BF% at the time though.
That makes sense, thanks!
Thanks for the input everyone, makes me feel really good about what I am doing so far!
Going to aim for 45 miles in July, going to start at a mile per day the first two weeks to get back into running and then 2 miles per day the second two weeks, depending how I am feeling hopefully more.
Thanks everyone, I will keep doing what I am doing! Pardon the silly question but, if I am not focusing on building muscle does that mean I should not worry about increasing the weight I lift too much since I won’t build any muscle(be getting stronger)
I am 5’9 and just weighed in at 188lbs and 26% body fat according to my new scale. I currently do a full body work out with all compound movements 3 times per week. Or at least that is the newest way a trainer at my gym told me to start training.
I took them out the next work out and switched the chest press machine to a normal bench press.
I sort of feel like that is the same as telling a young person not to worry about money and budgets until they’re in debt...
I am new here so could use friends as well
I personally like scrambled eggs with a handful of baby spinach and a handful of mushrooms. With a banana or orange on the side.
I assume that each piece of the meal is 1 serving of that food item and I just “assemble” it myself with the foods I know for certain are in it. I might be a little off, but never by anything too crazy.
Welcome!! Good luck with your journey!
Thanks everyone for the replies! I used to be addicted to store bought sweet tea, but gave that up on Christmas Eve and have managed to be successful in staying away from sweet soft drinks. I lost 17 lbs just from that alone! I have been trying to focus on the fact that 1 little change did so much, and now I want to change…