tormikoskiterhi Member


  • Oh, and this is probably stupid thing to ask but I'm gonna do it anyway. I'm sure you have adjusted your calories to your new weight?
  • Maybe its because you have added exercise? Muscles getting used to new things and keeping more water in them?
  • @mutantspicy thank you for the link and the insight, I really value them. I'm learnin about macros (and micros) as I go and feel I'm getting the hang of this! Yey! @vinceinalabama in Finland we have a state issued guidelines for food and that states that about 2-4 eggs in a week is a good going rate as to not let it affect…
  • @CharlieBeansmomTracey and that is exactly what I did. Pardon for the miscommunication, english isnt my first(and not even second) language. :)
  • @toxikon I agree the eggs are overcooked. My daughter (9y) made them for us yesterday :smile: I love them! :smiley:
  • @NovusDies I'm sure. Everything for this meal in particular was carefully measured and scaled. This is the One food where I'm absolutely sure whats in it
  • Sure, I agree 100%. I dont Think I have problem with my attitude toward food but I might be wrong. Does it seem like I have? For the record, I am not cutting anything out. I just dont want to live in a way where a chocolate bar is my lunch anymore. That is exactly my point: to become healthier by habbit not by…
  • Oh bugger.. where did the rest of the text go? Anyhow. Like I tried saying I have bad history of eating way too little and/or total garbage. Now that I'm switching to healthier foods I feel like I'm stuffed pretty much all the time. But i guess my body will get used to this, huh?