DupreeTheTRex Member


  • Thank you, very insightful! Im glad to hear that it’s not weird to maintain a range. 175lbs is 5 lbs under where I want to be long term (which is 180lbs) but I'm comfortable being 5lbs heavier. I actually gave up on losing the last five pounds and was maintaining 185lbs for a couple of months before I started prepping for…
  • @michnurse9 sorry for the late response, I don’t check discussions often. I pretty much kept eating 2300 calories per day and haven’t changed my daily average since then. Eventually plateaued I still haven’t lost any weight but also haven’t gained any. I started by losing just over 2lbs at the start and it slowly dropped…
  • I picked my smallest shirt I own. I haven’t bought any new clothes yet. Mostly stuff I had collected as I put on the weight initially. Stored it away hoping I would one day lose it. Now I really don’t have anything that fits right :(
  • Coming back to this post about a month later and I’m still hitting my target of 1lbs per week it seems. It’s weird because it doesn’t feel that way but when I logged my weight for the mo to sure enough I hit my target. I’ve actually been eating more as well aiming for maintenance because I’ve been stressing about losing…
  • I had a lot of success with weight loss in the past but I’ve always struggled with maintaining the loss. I pretty much have made no changes to my diet since I started dieting except for monitoring and controlling my portion sizes. I haven’t changed my calories in since I started either so I’ve slowly been losing less over…
  • That was my plan when I hit my long term goal but I’m very happy with the results I have now so maybe if I hit a wall I just keep eating at maintenance for a while then revisit if I want to later.
  • Well luckily most of my weight loss is attributed to diet only. I don’t like the gym so I’ve only been doing things I enjoy doing like going on long walks. But with asthma I don’t walk during the winter which I did last year as well.
  • That’s encouraging, I don’t exercise often but I know I’ve had some experiences with this when I was moving (lots of lifting, painting to prep the house for sale, I was exhausted)
  • I feel like that would be challenging as I’ve noticed temperature affects the weight of food. For example, I weigh all of my post cooked ingredients when I make multiple servings, but after being refrigerated the weight changes so I weigh it again. As long as it’s split equally between all people at the end of the day the…
  • Yeah that’s what it seems. I always wanted results right away and looking back I wish I learned to make sustainable changes instead of major changes I made back then. I think my biggest change was finding an alternative to energy drinks that didn’t result in me drinking 1000 calories a day which was my biggest problem.
  • My trainer only provided guidance on the exercises. I followed their instructions for those exercises last time. This time I didn’t exercise I just didn’t impose such harsh restrictions and aimed to lose 1lbs per week instead of the nearly 1lbs per day I was losing back then.
  • Mix of both, not sure about quality of exercise to be honest. I had a personal trainer show me some basics the goal was to maintain muscle mass while losing and I just followed their instructions.
  • So despite going to the gym as much as I was back then I probably lost more muscle than barely any exercise now? I mean I’ll take it if that’s the case! My exercise now is about 1 hour of walking daily, which I find relaxing more than anything. On top of that I’m now a homeowner and often take on a lot of the more physical…
  • I’ve been too tired to get out of bed on Sundays for 29 years and nothings wrong with me. Doctor has checked me out plenty of times. My wife is even worse she sleeps longer than I do! I think you’re taking my comments a little too literally. I’ve got the energy to get out of bed im just too sleepy to want to leave the bed.
  • I think the simplest answer is scale fluctuation. It’s weird I’ve been doing this for over a year and haven’t noticed. I usually don’t weigh myself more than every 2 weeks but I was just curious since my diets been crazy the last month or so.
  • No it’s mostly because I am too tired to get out of bed come Sunday most days. Basically just spend the day relaxing and catching up on sleep. Sometimes I do find the energy to get up (usually when I need to get stuff done) in which case I have my two bottles of water on me all day refilling constantly. It just so happens…
  • I’m not sure why, I’m just not feeling up to it. In contrast I basically drink throughout the entire day every other day of the week and even after the fasting. I always have 2 cups of water on me anywhere I go.
  • I weigh in the nude, use the same scale. Could be batteries? I rest the entire fast, I do very light activities and mostly just catch up on sleep from the week.
  • I actually have no dietary restrictions in my diet and don’t exercise. At least I don’t do anything I don’t enjoy doing. I go for hour long (sometimes more) walks with my wife most nights and that’s about it. I do a lot of heavy lifting around the house though lately as I was finishing a lot of hole renovations.
  • It was fairly hot; I was in air conditioning as most of my work was indoors but I guess my garage is pretty steamy since AC doesn’t run into there. It’s probably mostly water retention although I do expect to have gained some weight from eating as well. I forgot that exercise results in water retention to aid muscles in…
  • I don’t think I will ever be able to be care free with my weight management. Every time I stop caring I end up in a place where I’m eating way more than what I should. Cheese is something I have had a tendency to forget is heavy in calories. I could eat an entire brick on one sitting for breakfast daily if I wanted and…
  • Basically sums up what I’ve learned over 10 years of tracking myself. The more information you have the easier it is to make adjustments and those adjustments are necessary. I think the big reason for my weight gain was when I stopped paying sports competitively then the next big gain was switching to a sedentary job. In…
  • I had been aiming for 1lbs a week and have hit that target for a while now (at least two months if not more) a few other weeks my average was above 1lbs especially when I started doing projects around the house. I adjusted quickly to eat more because it wasn’t sustainable. This has been the easiest weight loss of my life…
  • I do absolutely no exercise other than my walks which I’ve done from the start. I haven’t increased how many walks I go on and I’m actually less active now than I was a while back as I finished all construction in my home. For a brief stint I was doing all sorts of projects but I tried to compensate during that time to eat…
  • For the most part no exercise other than 45 minute walks which I didn’t take in winter.
  • Thank you everyone for the support! I’m moving soon and because of the pandemic I have had to make temporary living arrangements for when we show our home to sell. I’ll be eating meals prepared by others for a week and I’m hoping I can take what I’ve learned and apply it without relying on the tools I have at home.…
  • As an update, I ignored MFP and have lost another 6 lbs since my last weigh in 4 weeks ago (1.5lb average per week). This is eating at a 1lb average per week goal. I will continue to ignore MDP until I see significant change to my losses.
  • That’s what I’m thinking for now - I started out losing almost double than what I expected and my average slowed down to 1.5lbs per week instead of 2. I’ll continue to monitor and adjust based off my data. My entries have been lacking but I only skip my meal kit entries most days because after manually creating recipes for…
  • Well last I checked I’m still losing more per week than planned at 2230. I’ve rubberbanded a lot in the past and have tried losi weight multiple times. Back then I was much more active and I did notice I needed to eat less to gain the same. But I live a ver sedentary lifestyle and I feel like the impact isn’t has high as a…
  • So if I’m still losing while eating the same should I just ignore MFP?