morgaen01 Member


  • Thank you very much :)
  • Yeah I'm finding the same. It is still better than Ritalin though, for me. I dont normally consume any alcohol. At special occasions I may have a glass of wine but I don't consume alcohol at home. I'm taking taking the original. I'm considering a keto diet for a few months just to shale things up a bit.
  • Thank you very much everyone :) I'm on Concerta and methylphenidate but I think I've built up a resistance to the methylphenidate lol I've seen a councilor. Specifically to help me get organised after I started my new job. Don't have the money to see her again now though. Today was a good day. I did 30 minutes cardio and…
  • Savoury french toast roll ups
  • Yeah, I do but I have no problem falling asleep. Problem is I was up at 2am and then can't fall asleep again.
  • I was showing a colleague today that it takes me 40 minutes just to plan my day. I collect all the tasks, then I prioritize them in terms of what is urgent and what not, then I write them into my work journal and then I add the stuff from my private journal that I randomly thought of that needs to get done. Then I plan…
  • No I'm on meds. Has something to do with the effect of caffeine or something but quite honestly caffeine does nothing for me. I drink coffee for out of habit more than anything else.
  • Thank you very much, everyone :) OK so omega 3 fatty acids are good, but how much do you take daily? My psychologist said I should drink less coffee. I drink 4 - 5 cups a day with xylitol instead of sugar. So far not doing so well on reducing that. lol Thank you very much, everyone. I'll go google ADHD diet.
  • Sorry, I just added dyslexia for background purposes. I was specifically looking for info on ADHD If you could please share that information I would appreciate it very very much.