mirajulin Member


  • Good luck! How tall are you and what is ypur goal weight?
  • You are literally like me. I have gained 11lbs in a year by having these ”savior” foods or drinks like milk which I just drink and drink as much as I can. My daily calories from 2 liters of milk are 1200kcal and then I just eat normal food during the day.
  • GIRLL!! ❤️❤️ I have been through the same last year.. I went from 98lbs to 90. I never eat when I stress and I lost all my confidence. Still haven’t got it all back even tho I regained the weight. You need a savior food or drink (mine is milk) and take it when ever eating feels to hard. Let that food be something that…
  • My savior has been milk. 4 big beer classes (5dl) a day of milk is 1200kcal and has a lot of protein.
  • I’m so happy to know I am not the only one bulking. I was at 39kg March 2017 and hot it up to 47kg in September 2017. Then I got pneumonia for 6 weeks in Februaty 2018 and lost 3kg. Haven’t been able to gain them back yet.