rbell95506 Member


  • Hi! Feel free to add me too! I have a 120 lb weight loss goal. I am 24 pounds down so far. I have a long way to go but I'm looking forward to seeing progress. It's always good to have people you can share the journey with who understand!
  • I have been staying away from all fried foods and sticking with low far dairy or things made with almond milk. Letting go of cheese and sweets has been hard. Cheese a little easier than sweets. I have been looking at some websites like heart.org. it has helped! I'm glad that it has helped your sister! I hope that I can…
  • Thank you for the tips! I just ordered my food scale today so hopefully it will be in next week. I've been consistently logging too. It's been a challenging last few months but I like plans and structure and this app helps a lot! I just started with this new doc so hopefully after all the test are done I can get a referral…
  • Thank you! I've been trying to keep it simple :)