I was under the (possible) misconception that IF 16/8 would kick your metab. butt into gear and help with loss. NO?? All thoughts welcome. I'm in a stall and trying the easiest way possible to shake it
Because of no progress on loss, I decided to try the IF 16-8 to shake things up. I do miss my morning tea with all my yummy fat, but my Oolong tea and stevia holds me till 1 for lunch. Now, here's hoping for a good result!
I've been doing keto since July 1st this year. I started 16/8 IF Mon-Thurs last week and this week just to shake things up. In the morning I have two large cups of Oolong tea with 2 Stevia In the Raw packets, lunch at 1ish. Around 12-15 cups of water thoughout entire day. Still waiting for results on the IF. Last I checked…
Hi guys! My name is Juli. I am 52 and deep into perimenopause and AAALLLL that comes with it, like WEIGHT!!! A good friend of mine was doing Keto and inspired me to look into it. I started my Keto journey around the end of June. It's kinda worked out pretty good. I don't miss the carbs (bread, tortillas, chips,…
Juli’s my name, keto’s our thang! Yes, I’m down for friends and inspiration and inspiring others.
I’m in! My name is Juli and I’ve been working on Keto for about two weeks. Now portions are my focus. I’ve got a lot of good food dialed in. What’re your favorite fat-filled veggie dishes?