Same here. I always keep 85% dark chocolate in my kitchen, and have 1-2 pieces (squares) every single day, just to beat the craving. A little every day is better than a binge once a week.
Thank you, that's great to know. I will keep on trying with healthy food and exercise, and just wait it out then I guess.
My apologies, my hysterectomy was about 6 months ago. Yes, HysterSisters was a blessing to have pre and post-op. So maybe my body needs another 6 months or so to get back to normal?
Thank you so much. You have given me quite an insight on what to try. I have already picked up a good multivitamin supplement, and will also check out the primrose oil. The “walk it off” advice is certainly a good one for my cravings. I will definitely try that. I am sorry you were diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.…
Thank you. This was really helpful. I will definitely look into supplements and IF. It’s scary how many things we women have to go through.
I'm sorry you have to deal with this too. I was diagnosed with PCOS at an early age, and they put me on hormones ever since I was 16, and they caused so much weight gain, and couldn't get anything off until I stopped them. I stopped them completely when I got married at 22, and I was able to lose all the excess weight and…
Yes, perhaps intermittent fasting might help. I definitely need to change something. Any advice on how to get started on IF? I am presuming I still have to count calories while on IF.
Unfortunately no, it hasn't helped. I was already following the 80/20 rule for many years now, so I wasn't indulging much. I always start my day with a healthy breakfast, and cook a healthy main meal, but around the end of the day I get more and more hungry, and I just keep eating. It would probably help if I was living…
I'm sorry you are going through the same thing. I agree, it seems impossible for something that didn't even require that much effort before.
I'm sorry you are going through the same thing. Yes, it could very well be perimenopause. I've got the night sweats, sore breasts and everything. Thought they would go away a few weeks after the surgery, but they're getting worse. I've checked my thyroid multiple times before the surgery and it was normal, but I will have…
Yes I do.
I would probably put it for sedentary. I'm a stay at home mom, and I'm on my feet all day, picking up toys, cleaning up messes, scrubbing toilets, cooking, sweeping, mopping etc, so I put mine to lightly active.
Thank you everyone for your responses. Everyone's advice has been insightful. I guess I should toughen up and let the people in this household know that I'm the boss from now on. If you think how much effort and time certain meals need, I really shouldn't give them room to complain every day.
It is insane indeed, if you think how many doctors, hospitals and countries I've switched over the years. It is depressing to say the least. They said a pessary is not a good solution and they don't recommend doing it. Indeed yoga has helped tremendously so far. And I agree, yoga alone is not enough for weight loss. The…
Thank you for your reply. I've tried opting for hysterectomy, but they said I'm too young, and they are even reluctant when I asked them to do a laparoscopy to check if it's really endometriosis. I'm dying with the pain most days, but despite my long search over the past 2 decades, I have yet to find a doctor who would…
Sometimes, the time of holding a pose is more important than the reps when it comes to yoga. I personally use (bought) an app called Yoga Studio, and just do one of the full sessions there, depending on the days (special poses for back pain, strengthening sessions etc) You should try to find what you are looking for in a…