sarabeebz Member


  • I hadn't considered having clothes altered. I'm really cheap and that seems like it could get expensive 😩 I had a dress altered once and it cost almost as much as I paid for the dress in the first place. Definitely something to keep in mind though! I envy girls that can run through a store and fit perfectly into everything…
  • Thank you all for the great feedback! Very excited to regroup and continue the journey! Wish I would have used the forums sooner but hey, it's a learning process. Thanks again!
  • I think originally it gave me a goal close to that and I manually changed it to 1500.
  • There is apparently a lot I still need to learn lol. Daily nutrition doesn't seem to be as easy peasy as I was thinking (cut sugar and fat, stay at or below 1500 calories). Or maybe it's simple and I'm over complicating the whole thing. I changed my macro goals to 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein so we'll see how that works…
  • I'm at the "ideal weight" for my height/age and just trying to figure out how to turn fat into lean muscle. I go to the gym 7 days a week for the most part doing weight training and cardio on "rest days." I dont eat as clean as I could but I know I would get burned out and hate this health journey if I went that route.…
  • Good to know.. I'll have to look more into macros because I dont know much about that.
  • No, I just tend to go over my sugar goal for the day that MFP has for me. And from all the research I've done about sugar, it gives you a temporary boost of energy and contributes a lot to belly fat.
  • I definitely prefer the middle road! When I try cutting things out entirely I end up binging on snacks and sweets. I've tried cutting back on bread/pasta because I love it and that stuff seems to stick straight to my thighs which is where I naturally carry my weight anyway. I was way overdoing it on sugar too so its been a…
  • I'll try the quiche! I don't think I mind eggs as much as long as there's a lot of other stuff with it and the egg isn't the bull of it
  • I never really thought too much about protein until I got MFP premium and saw that I was lacking in it. I usually have chicken for dinner if I cook so protein there and I recently made a taco bowl with brown rice, black beans, and ground turkey so bean protein there. Umm.. I got the boca veggie burgers for a quick bite…
  • I've been on a journey of making small modifications and tweaking my diet to find out what works and what doesn't for me. I feel like just being conscious of what you're putting into your body and not shoveling in whatever is around makes a big difference. Read labels, some things that you think are healthy have almost…