Picky eater



  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    sarabeebz wrote: »
    I'm at the "ideal weight" for my height/age and just trying to figure out how to turn fat into lean muscle. I go to the gym 7 days a week for the most part doing weight training and cardio on "rest days." I dont eat as clean as I could but I know I would get burned out and hate this health journey if I went that route. I've enjoyed the challenge of finding the things I can tweak here and there to make better choices but feel like being a picky eater has made that a little harder. From what I've read, eating more "good fat" and protein will help meet my goal.

    You can't turn fat into muscle. I assume you want to lose fat and build muscle. Someone with more expertise than me needs to address that.
  • sarabeebz
    sarabeebz Posts: 13 Member
    There is apparently a lot I still need to learn lol. Daily nutrition doesn't seem to be as easy peasy as I was thinking (cut sugar and fat, stay at or below 1500 calories). Or maybe it's simple and I'm over complicating the whole thing. I changed my macro goals to 30% carbs, 35% fat, 35% protein so we'll see how that works out! But yes to the above, I'm wanting to cut more fat and actually see the results of weight lifting.
  • Kim_S_G
    Kim_S_G Posts: 120 Member
    How did you obtain the goal of 1500 calories per day? Did you get that from MFP?
  • sarabeebz
    sarabeebz Posts: 13 Member
    Kim_S_G wrote: »
    How did you obtain the goal of 1500 calories per day? Did you get that from MFP?

    I think originally it gave me a goal close to that and I manually changed it to 1500.
  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    sarabeebz wrote: »
    Kim_S_G wrote: »
    sarabeebz wrote: »
    On the contrary, letting go of the idea that I had to eat certain foods to lose weight and be healthy, was what made me eat healthily, and keep doing it. So are you sure you don't like steak and potatoes? Smoothies? Chilies, curries, pancakes, fried eggs? Pasta, rice dishes? Chocolate milk, cheese, yogurt? Fruit salads? Going from one extreme to another isn't exactly healthy; finding the middle road is more difficult, but a lot better.

    I definitely prefer the middle road! When I try cutting things out entirely I end up binging on snacks and sweets. I've tried cutting back on bread/pasta because I love it and that stuff seems to stick straight to my thighs which is where I naturally carry my weight anyway. I was way overdoing it on sugar too so its been a work in progress tweaking what I eat to cut back but not completely avoid it. I was making homemade fruit smoothies for a while but that was all or most of my sugar intake for the day. I'll try eating larger portions of things I do like and see how that works out. I have a hard time eating a lot in one sitting so I may just be someone that has to graze throughout the day.

    If you don't mind me asking, do you have a medical condition that requires you to limit your sugar intake?

    No, I just tend to go over my sugar goal for the day that MFP has for me. And from all the research I've done about sugar, it gives you a temporary boost of energy and contributes a lot to belly fat.

    Pshaw. I don't even track sugar. Unless you have an underlying medical condition like diabetes, have at it! I mean, don't eat tablespoons full of the stuff and avoid added sugar where you can but sugar is not specifically contributing to your belly fat, only excess calories are.

  • born_of_fire74
    born_of_fire74 Posts: 776 Member
    It sounds like you want to recomp. This is a great thread that will help you get started.

  • sarabeebz
    sarabeebz Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you all for the great feedback! Very excited to regroup and continue the journey! Wish I would have used the forums sooner but hey, it's a learning process. Thanks again!