LondonSummer2018 Member


  • Yes I had presumed the OP was talking about meat rather than fish. They were just suggestions so I’m sure they can select which suit their diet
  • I thought I was greedy most of my life... but once I got used to IE I realised I wasn’t, and that if given the option I don’t eat anything beyond normal amounts ... but it took a while to get to that point which was scary. that’s just my experience though and I very much appreciate every body is different and everybody…
  • Chilli made of loads of veg and beans Spanish omelette-or frittata lots of eggs, potatoes, veg and some cheese can even throw in tuna for extra protein Jacket potatos and baked beans
  • My body maintains if I eat intuitively.... it took a while to get to that point but now it’s consistent.
  • I’ve just discovered peanut butter powder, tastes great mixed with yogurt and I’d imagine it’d be good for satay etc. It’s 5g protein per 50kcal and low fat Otherwise Beans , baked, kidney etc Chickpeas Lentils Greek yog Quorn Eggs Cottage cheese Occasionally vegan protein powder blended with banana and yogurt
  • I’ve been through recovery in the last year after a long long period of disorder. I had therapy but also followed a ed recovery book that advocated removing restriction and ie. It’s been hellish year but I’m amazed at where I’ve got to by sticking with it. Health goals I smashed them- if you mean being able to be normal…
  • I do freeweights with a trainer but stick to machines on my own at the moment It feels safer, I’m more confident I’m doing the right movement. My trainer does say ideally free weights are the better option if your form is right but that maschines have their place
  • I’d recommend not over thinking it but just exploring exercise and finding things you enjoy. I love weight training so I stick to it, others love cardio. All exercise is good if balanced with good nutrition and rest to support it.
  • Thank you for your ideas and sharing your experiences it’s been going on for a year or so occasionally but has got much more frequent over last 6 months. I’ll book an appointment with my gp; I’m just worried about being dismissed or being told I’m making a fuss or that it’s normal if I go to the gym/lift . Yes my whole…
  • Ah ok I see! Yes far better than 1200 and you’re much lighter than me. Thank you for explaining :-) I’ve just run mine and it’s come up with an average of 1868 which is pretty much my average for the week since I’ve been tracking! Thanks everyone I feel confident I’ve got the right numbers now xx
  • I’m surprised your tdee is so low. I would definitely lose and be super hungry at 1596 kcal per day and I’m only 5.3 I’m aiming to maintain for now
  • Ah ok In which case what would you class my activity level as to you think?
  • Ahh ok So I’ve set it to moderately active based on my steps/ walking hope that’s right
  • Might be worth tracking your cycle. I get a massive hunger at ovulation, it used to trigger a binge and then I realised what it was and now I just let myself eat more. Totally agree with idea of stepping off scale and trying another way of tracking progress if it’s so emotive for you. Selfies or measuring or tryinh on…
  • Many thanks s and just a quick follow up question too incase anyone can guide me.. My exercise/activity across a week is on average; 2 heavy strength training sessions legs/ upper body 1 Bikram yoga class Walking 3-4 miles per day average Office job What activity level would you put me at?
  • Yep sadly I know the temp doesn’t make a difference which is why I’m ignoring the google results I got that say stupid amounts .... however nice it’d be to believe I’d blitz zillions of kcal in a single class Thanks I’m a newbie and hasn’t found the search bit- so thread much appreciated
  • This is the book that helped me out of a very similar hell hole