That’s exactly what I struggle with, I can’t see myself anything but wide. Pictures are a good idea, thanks for the tip
Thanks that helps me be more decisive. I lift (along with a sport and running) so I’ve thought before about being serious in regards to gaining muscle
Thanks that’s really nice of you to say, it makes me feel better about where I am
What’s recomp? Like building muscle in legs and stuff?
In a way yes, but in a way no. Like I guess I want people to tell me I don’t because I feel like I can’t stop dieting. Like is this good enough? Can I stop now?
Thank you, any recommendations
I play tennis, and while I don’t think increased flexibility will help, I do want to avoid injury. I just never thought of stretching before I began a conditioning camp where they did it both before and after. But I know regular playing is different. Should I stretch for that?
I have a question and I don’t know where to put it. If I play a sport for 10+ hours a week, should I be stretching? And if so, when/how?
I have a question and I don’t know where to put it. If I play a sport for 10+ hours a week, should I be stretching? And if so, when/how?
I understand now, this is what I was looking for. I appreciate all your help as I am fairly uneducated in this matter. I’m gonna give it a go
I mean I’ll lose a bit of weight and then recomp, or is that even possible, or really needed? I’m quite bad when it comes to understanding the science of it all
Thanks! This is what I’ll likely do, along with some weightloss
I feel stupid for asking but what’s a recomp?
I want to be in better shape, but I have always had issues comprehending how bad of shape I’m in in the first place.
My goal is to be in better shape, for appearance and athletic purposes. What would you recommend doing?
I do workout daily and also have tennis practice five days a week plus.