Hey y'all! I just discovered this thread while searching up posts on IF. I'm just starting today. Can you work out safely first thing in the morning if you don't eat until 11 or 12?
I do free weights 2-3 times a week for about 15 minutes. There's no logging that on MFP right now. 😕
Thank you, that's great!
I found this yummy balsamic vinegrette recipe and I'm totally addicted to it. I pour it over chicken, greens, tomatoes, quinoa or barley and julienne carrots. Or tuna and black beans. The sky is the limit!
My 17 old son hugging me and saying he loves me! 💕
I got hit on after my first post in this community looking for support. Not cool!!
No I don't ever eat seconds. I guess the biggest problem is struggling with fatigue after work compounded with busy evenings that lead to eating out.
I find working out first thing in the morning is the best thing! I have the most energy and the most determination. I also find starting out the day eating a healthy meal puts me on the right track to continue doing well. I have a hard time logging consistently on MFP so I use an exercise and food journal. The most…
How exactly do I add friends? And is there a way we could do a little group?