Chalesie Member


  • You look amazing! Congrats! All that hard work and dedication paid off! You are truly an inspiration!!
  • Right now I'm set at about 1260 calories a day and as much as I don't want to eat above that I usually do. I'll work out a little longer to make up for the calories that I've overeaten during the day and I get frustrated with myself each time I do that... But I can't seem to stop. It started on the days that I knew I was…
  • I'm at 235 now and I'd love to be in the 140 range but more than that I really want to be out of the obese categories as well! I HATE that! Every year at work we have a fitness day and people come in and test everything and then let us know where we stand and I've been in the obese range each year... I don't feel obese,…
  • I know that I need a cheat meal once a week in order to keep me sane. I don't like to think of it as a cheat day or I will eat crap all day long and then I feel guilty about it that night or the next morning...especially if I have a bad weigh in. I know that if I am good all week long that I will get to have a free meal…
  • I have about 90 pounds to go (at least) really depends on how I feel the closer I get to this first goal. I'd love to share this journey with you especically since we are both starting and have a big goal in mind. Add me and we can get this party started...LOL! :smile: :drinker: :wink:
  • I am in!! My sister-in-law has my copy so I will not be able to get it until Sunday so I'll start on Monday. I can't wait to see how everyone does with this.:smile:
  • Wow! You look amazing! I can't believe those results are only after 7’s incredible! I've tried the 30 day shred but I can never make it more than 3 days in a row and then I give up. Seeing your results has given me a new found desire to try it again and not give up because 'it’s too hard'! I will never have the…