You look AWESOME
I'm allowed 2230 cal a day...Some days i get to around 2150 or so and some days if i have 400-500 to go and it's 7pm i will say screw it and not eat anymore. Yeah i'm a bit hungry but i drink 720oz a water at least a day.
How did you do it? Very impressive
Almost forgot VERY Impressive. great Job
Can i ask how u went about it? Thanks
I took a couple of before pics but will not post till i have after pics :) None of you need to see mine hehehehe..GD luck i know u can do it.
i started 20 days ago and lost 13 so far..long way to go but rolling so far...U can do it.
OMFG LOL Those nachos look amazing Mmmmmmm
Phenominal change. you look awesome
I was told as long as i stay UNDER my 2230 calories a day the carbs should not matter. first week i lost 5 lbs staying under in calories. Eat some noodles or bread or dessert....I just wont eat 2200 calories worth of dessert but otherwise i eat whatever i want just so i stay under Calories.
Hi Zaina and welcome...My 11th day only. :)
51 and just started 8 days ago. Long way to go but feel i can do this....
Awesome job. You look great :)
What is the 5:2 if i may ask? Just signed in 4 days ago and doing the calorie thing.
I will bring u coffee in bed :)
Started Monday AUG 14th.