Savage! 😂😂😂😂
See! You gotta admit they're the best :D :D :D :D
Well it's just seems to me u r afraid of doing them because injury risks, Well keep doing jumping jacks then till you get your gains
I been doing carb cycling for 52 days now but staying in caloric deficit it's good for losing body fat Lost 11 pounds so far, its flexible but i dont cut my carbs too low not good because you will feel exhausted like hell, i do three days of 120 grams of carbs and one load day with 250 grams
Yes you can bulid your legs with isolation exercises but compound exercises are on top. Squats and deadlifts are the kings of of all exercises
Bran bread with greek yogurt and peanut butter
Everyone is different, you are different Try to do a variation with light weights and see what feels comfortable,
<3 God bless eggs and everybody <3 <3
I personally measure cooked food Some food contain water and after you cook it its weight drop like chicken breasts
Definitely she needs meat, meat isn't a sin
In my opinion Gold standard whey protein double chocolate is thr best
no squat no gains
I dont track vegetables in general except potatoes
Grilled chicken burger with cheddar cheese and barbeque sauce :'( 💔
Breakfast is the most important meal in the day in my opinion its like getting gas before hitting into a road trip, but believe it or not i have the se schedule at 6:30 my regular breakfast 😂👌
Yep and very good quality protein also BCAA
LOL what doesn't kill you make you stronger
Yep I've noticed it keeps u full for longer time till ur lunch especially if u have ur breakfast early in the morning
My biggest flaw is that i didnt start to work out sooner instead I was playing Call of Duty :'(
Man i been trying inside and outside the gym and still single :# I think not trying is a good option
I used to struggle with proteins, but there are many protein options u can find that cheaper and available rich in protein for example chicken livers instead of consuming multiple protein shakes a day.
😂😂😂 No doubt i will increase them to 4 eggs
Thanks alot thats relieving
Not all fats are bad in fact its important to function well and for body health Probably u r eating red meat and eggs Try chicken breats and light tuna those are good alternatives Try peanut butter, nuts, avocado for healthy fats
Its either your not eating as you planning or your gaining muscles weight because you said you workout Also if your deit contains too much carbohydrates try to cut some with proteins and some healthy fats u will lose body fat easier
Dont start to hard so that u dont get frustrated so soon, start step by step as what people said earlier in comments, just dont think too much about loosing weight have fun and when u realize u will be already lost some weight without even noticing it Cheers! o:)
Im on low calories lower carb diet 500cal deficit and its ok, as long as u keep ur protein high enough also your fats moderate, what people usually fall into they lower their calories and their fats and proteins are already low and that's a huge mistake Cheers!
LOL i agree just entering to add food and close this app is frustrating LOOOL Im talker too so gonna add u