Pinkturnip Member


  • Doctor said I need to reduce stress and Prolactin will go down. My post was about how to readjust my program to make it less intense but manage to keep working out.
  • Thank you so much. Everyone has been so kind with their words. Will take it all into consideration. Will keep striving
  • Thank you so much guys. This really helped. Nighthawk, wow... great job! You make me feel embarrassed now being 10 years younger and talking like I'm older. I hope I grow older motivated like you. It's really inspiring. ChickieBoom, I do enjoy my workouts. I love almost every kind of sport. I love breaking a sweat. I love…
  • Glovepuppet, I know that's true. It's just hard doing it :( Alzzi, thank you so much! That was actually heartwarming.
  • Elfin, I am cranking up the speed because I feel I want to get it out of the way and done with. I worry if I tone it down a bit I will slack off like before :/
  • I think I’m unhappy cuz I realize at this age it’s harder to burn fat compared to my 20s and early 30s. I don’t want to keep working out this hard as I get older. I would like to do walking, Pilates or yoga or light stuff instead of this strenuous workout. It feels good but it’s so stressful. I’m also not enjoying my life.…
  • Thank you guys... very useful suggestions.
  • Thanks for the feedback. I feel the community here is dead for some reason :(
  • Shor, thank you so much for the full explanation. That was seriously helpful. I haven't explored the gym fully yet. I was mainly focusing on the things I was using and I never paid attention to the strength training area. I'll check it out soon and see what options are there. I guess maybe I was feeling embarrassed asking…
  • Ok I just googled barbell safety and I found this video In the gym I go to there's an area with similar equipment like this... I think I saw just a bar and you can add the weight to it. I'm assuming this area has these safety things and there's another area with bars already…
  • Oh ok... I'll try putting something under my feet I guess. But uh... what are safeties? hehe. Sorry might be a stupid question. I'm getting the impression there's some kind of item that works as a safety for bars you mean? I only saw an adjustable bench and a huge rack with two types of bars (straight bar and bars with…
  • Tavis, I see. Will try!
  • I will get the book. Thank you so much for all your comments. I will try!! I never really saw any use for lifting to be honest. But in a way it did strengthen my body a little.
  • Tavis, aside from losing the excess, I want to raise my endurance. I was doing really well before the holiday. I was depending on cycling here but I didn't consistently workout as planned. I want to be able to run longer and feel overall stronger but I don't know how to 'quantify' that into milestones. How do I do that?
  • I gave myself 3 months cuz there are days I just crash and I don't want get up back on my feet easily. Going to the gym everyday is a bit too much for me. I'm currently 56 kilos and it's making my life miserable. I want to go back to my usual weight which is 53. I suck at strength training. I can't lift more than 3 kilos…