Running2Fit Member


  • I do strength training 2x a week. If nothing else it’s a nice break from all the cardio I do! I always schedule 2 rest days between my strength training and my long run though!
  • I walked to the gym in my apartment complex and it was closed! I wish they had sent out an email letting us know. I did two YouTube workouts instead.
  • I’m 5’0” started at 190, currently 142, goal weight is 120. I don’t have a deadline to get there but I’m currently losing about 1 lb a week. If I continue at that rate then I should hit my goal sometime in July. My weight loss will probably slow a bit more though as I get closer so August-September may be more realistic.
  • Try doing wall push-ups to build up to knee push-ups.
  • My husband is one of those people who can seemingly eat whatever he wants and not gain weight. But he’s on his feet all day at work, he’s a fidgeter - he’s always moving, he tends to forget to eat at work so comes home and hasn’t eaten all day, he stops eating when he’s full, he doesn’t eat out of boredom. And his weight…
  • Everyone has slip ups. You just keep moving forward. It’s unlikely that you truly gained 2 lbs of fat, it’s probably mostly water weight.
  • Are you only eating 600 calories a day?! That's way over-restrictive, unhealthy, and extremely dangerous no matter how "healthy" the foods you are eating are. To answer your question - in terms of just weight loss (not health or nutrition) it does not matter what you eat, just how much of it you eat. I've lost almost 50…
  • I have similar stats to you - SW: 190, CW: 142, Height:5'0" and want to lose another 22 lbs. My weight loss has slowed but I'm still losing weight consistently. I started out able to 2 lbs a week, now I'm losing an average of about 1 lb a week. While I have added more exercise, I haven't changed my net calorie in-take. I…
  • Weather sucked on my run, wind makes running hard!
  • Lifestyle changes are hard. You’ll never be able to overhaul everything overnight so start by making 1 small change - I would suggest that you start logging all your food. Weight loss really just comes down to how much you eat. Exercise is important for health but you don’t have to exercise to lose weight so always start…
  • Weekly Weigh-In 12/31 - 147.5 01/07 - 146.2 01/14 - 145.1 01/21 - 144.4 01/28 - 144.0 02/04 - 141.4 A really big loss from last week (for me anyway). Pretty sure I just dropped a bunch of water weight I was holding onto during my period. But it’s always nice to see the scale going down :) I need to get in a 2.5 mile run…
  • I don’t have experience with boxing but with any sport or hobby everyone starts at the bottom. I always wanted to be a runner but I held myself back because I didn’t want to fail, I didn’t think I was fit enough, I didn’t want to make a fool of myself. But the thing is if you never start then you never even give yourself…
  • I've been logging for 157 days. I'm down 33.2 lbs. and only have about 22 lbs to go. I'm at a weight I haven't been at since college, 10 years ago! I've lost almost 10 inches from my hips and 6.5 from my hips. I went from not being able to run a mile to being able to run 3 under 30 minutes and am signed up to do a…
  • @brittlb07 - Yup, I slowed to about 1 lb a week toward the start of this challenge! I only have about 22 more lbs to go so 1 lb a week is pretty reasonable for now. Probably will have to slow to .5 a week eventually.
  • Yes, you can lose weight through just counting calories and no exercise. That's how I started. I gradually started adding exercise in though as it is important for your health. But I think it's easier to start with small changes and add more in over time. Trying to overhaul your lifestyle overnight can be overwhelming.
  • @jumpingjenkins - do you take measurements? I find it to be a helpful, non-scale way to measure progress. I only take them on the first of the month but it seems like some people take them more frequently. Also, I take tons of progress pictures! Pretty much any day I need a boost in motivation I just take a new picture and…
  • @LadySaton - Thank-you! And, yes lowering expectations for a weekly loss is kind of a bummer. Patience is not a strong suit of mine. I feel a weird sort of freedom in lowering my goal to 1 lb a week though. When I started losing weight I had a deadline in my head (my sister-in-law's wedding) for reaching my goal weight and…
  • I’d just have some cake. You don’t have to totally deprive yourself of foods you enjoy and you probably aren’t making cakes every week. So cut yourself a small piece. Eat it, log it, move on.
  • Weekly Weigh-In Dec 16 - 149.4 Dec 23 - 147.7 Dec 30 - 148.4 Jan 06 - 146.8 Jan 13 - 145.4 Jan 20 - 144.9 Jan 28 - 144.0 Feb 03 - 142.2 I'm down 7.2 lbs total since the start of the challenge. Pretty unlikely I will hit 10 lbs before Valentine's Day. I didn't realize my weight loss would slow so much after Christmas! But…
  • 1) Be able to get pregnant/health pregnancy & baby in the future 2) Feel more confident 3) Love the way I look 4) General health
  • If you really struggle while in your period it may help to just eat at maintenance during that time rather than eating in a deficit. Or create a smaller deficit than usual. I typically give myself at least one day where I eat at maintenance so I can have whatever it is that I’m craving.
  • I’m 5’0” and started my weight loss journey at 190. 1200-1300 is my calorie range on a day with no exercise. I lost faster at the start, averaging about 2 lbs a week. Now I’ve lost 47 lbs and have 23 to go I’m still eating 1200-1300 calories on a day with no exercise and my weight loss has slowed to about 1 lb a week. I…
  • Finding another outlet is definitely the key. Exercise is great but it’s not your only option. What works for everyone is different. Various things I do when I’m stressed/upset: - Take a bath - Watch my favorite show - Color - Journal - Read a favorite book - Add a glass of wine to any of the above - Go for a walk
  • You are only a little overweight so I would say an average of 1 lb a week could be a reasonable goal, maybe a little under. It sounds like you are on track if you lost 4 lbs in the last month. You just have to keep it at it.
  • Hi! I'm losing weight because of plans to try for a baby as well! I've found it to be a really great motivator when I think about how I'm really not just doing this for me but also for a hopefully happy, healthy baby in the future. You sound really motivated and positive :) Good luck on your journey!
  • I do both. Cardio (running) 3 days a week. Then 2 days of light cardio and strength training. I'm training for a half-marathon so cardio is my main focus but I'm also working on losing weight and want to maintain as much of my muscle as possible so I make sure to get my strength training days in too. You don't have to…
  • Ran 3 miles in under 30 minutes today! A new personal best for me!
  • I need to do this! I have so many clothes now that don't fit at all. Definitely need to start going through my closet and figuring out what to keep, toss, or donate (and maybe pick up a few new things too!)
  • 4 lbs is good progress for a month! It's about how much I lost in January :) Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. The weight comes off slowly. But all those smaller numbers really add up over time. Trying to lose too much, too fast really just sets you up for failure. It works for maybe a couple of weeks but then…
  • Very accurate. When I started I set my goal to lose 2 lbs a week. I followed what MFP said (including eating back my exercise calories) and averaged a loss of 2 lbs a week. Averaged being the key word there. Sometimes it was less, sometimes it was more but if you looked at my weight loss over a period of 4 - 6 weeks it…