I’m going to try and see my doctor tomorrow, just trying to keep it together tonight 😪.
A PT once collared me at the end of a spin class and told me I looked like his dead ex girl friend... I have never felt so awkward 😬
No Bull’s new vegan selection at Iceland, chicken style prices, burgers, meatballs, mince.. protein, reasonable price and low calorie 💪🏻
My boyfriend and I are both happily vegan on a very standard budget for a couple, about £40 of shopping a week. Easy peasy!
Ironing 😭
Anyone can add and cheer me on! Vegan, IF, calorie counter and walking enthusiast 😂
I’ve just started and I’m finding it very helpful in preventing me binging at night, previously having a set ‘dinner time’ at 5/6 was too early... IF gives me a new more flexible window that removes the restriction of a strict meal time.
I always do it as it helps me to plan 👍🏻
150lbs vs 135lbs, I’ve been up to 160 before but I think I burnt all photos 😂
I find it very hard to work it after a 12/14 hour shift, just try to fit lots of walking around and calorie control!
I’m lucky, I’ve got a ED therapist that I’m working with too, so I’m trying to treat the whole person. My knowledge of calories and ‘healthy’ (more like not so) eating has ended up shooting me in the foot so many times 🙄, so anything has to be better then my current eating patterns 😅.
First day has gone well, stuck to just over 1500 calories, no binging and terrible guilt... hopefully this will be a positive new direction. 12 - 8 worked too 😊
I’m trying to lose some of the control I have over food, I’m very set on timings and have had problems with eating disorders (linked to binging, starving, purging etc.). I’m really wanting to find a healthier mind set towards food and adopt some flexibility... I’m hoping this will help!
I think drinking for 16 hrs may kill me off 😅