MikePTY Member


  • Diets high in whole grains have been consistently associated with positive health outcomes in observational studies. I googled the doctor, and shockingly (not shockingly) , he writes keto and IF books and makes money as a Keto speaker. He is also not a registered dietician. So he has a personal financial benefit from…
  • Net is how many calories you've eaten after you deduct exercise calories. So if you eat 1800 calories, but burned 300 from exercise, your net is 1500. Your MFP goal is a net goal, not a total calorie goal, since it varies depending on your exercise.
  • Almost never. But I was very difficult growing up a out vegatables. The two I would eat were broccoli if it was smothered in cheese sauce, or artichoke with butter. I would eat some citrus fruits, but I was not much for produce in general. My mother is a pescatarian, so it wasn't from lack of her wanting me to. I just…
  • I hope it works for you. Calorie counting is not the only way to lose weight. A calorie *deficit* is the only way to lose weight. So if you find it easier to get yourself in a deficit by eating foods you deem "good" rather than tracking and counting, then maybe it would work for you. But there's no other way to lose weight…
  • Through trial and error, I've found that some foods satiate better than others. I'm partial to fruits and vegetables. But honestly, I'm a pretty hungry person, regardless if I'm in a surplus or deficit. So sometimes this is just my reality.
    in Satiety Comment by MikePTY February 2020
  • But what would they do for the other 18 minutes of the workout?
  • Usually in the context which it's used, it's a diet where the person eats exclusively animal products. No fruits, vegetables, nuts, startches, etc.
  • This is wrong on both counts. The MFP goal does not take exercise into account. If you exercise, you are supposed to eat more. Especially if someone is only eating 1200 normally, not eating their exercise calories back could have negative consequences. The other wrong thing is about meal timing. It's largely irrelevant and…
  • Does not matter at all. It's all about personal preference. If you find that many smaller meals helps keep you fuller or is more enjoyable, that's fine. If you find that a few bigger meals keeps you fuller or is more enjoyable, that's fine. 1500 calories is 1500 calories. Eat them however it pleases you.
  • The number one ingredient in the cat food I buy is "pig entrails". Number 2 is salmon.
  • If it's been happening for 6 days and happens no matter what you eat, I think a trip to the doctor is the appropriate next step.
  • How often does this happen? It's totally acceptable to go over your calories from time to time. In fact, it's probably a good idea, since your goal is meant to be an average, not an absolute "do not cross" line. If you are normally under, you have some calories to spare for today. Eat something you enjoy that is filling…
  • Calories is the most important part of the equation. You need to have enough protein for muscle maintenance, so usually that is the goal you will try to hit first (it is difficult to gain much muscle in a consistent calorie deficit).
  • Kinda seems a little cheap that they let you just reset it if you don't log in though, doesn't it?
  • Huh? Why is 3g of fiber too much??
  • You accidentally hit on it, but not for the reason that you think. The reason why meat replacements have such a strong negative following against them is because the farmer and meat producer industries are extremely influential in America. A lot of jobs and economic activity in certain states revolve around these…
  • No. It is a streak for logging into the app, not logging your food. If it is really that important to you, give your login credentials to a trusted friend and ask them to log on once a day for you.
  • I wish MFP was a bit clearer on this. I have a desk job but easiqily fit lightly active (outside of exercise) because I am moving around enough during the day. A lot less people are sedentary than they think.
  • I agree with not stopping what is working just to try a nice shiny diet. In a carnivore diet, you are depriving your body of a lot of important nutrients. That could have negative health effects, so switching to it could potentially be harmful. It's not a registered dietician designed diet. The guy who popularized it is an…
  • Are you having any negative reaction to fiber? Fiber is a very important part of a diet that everyone needs, and some people have higher tolerances for high fiber than others. I would consider higher fiber than normal to be a positive in your diet as long as it is not causing any negative gastrointestinal effects (some…
  • I wouldn't add the sophmore if they weren't ready. They have 2 years to still play and they can get better playing JV or some other basketball. As far as the 12th vs the 13th man dilemma, I think it depends. If neither are going to see time during the season except in blowout situations, then I may possibly stay with the…
  • Are you eating enough the rest of the day? Undereating during the day can lead to binging at night.
  • If the assessment of number 2 is correct, then that should the one who gets the spot. Otherwise there is no point to having tryouts and you should have just closed them off. But that player has earned their way on the team and should be there. If the other player is the worst player and the one you would cut, is there…
  • This piqued my interest so I got to googling it. It was a bit hard to dicipher originally because a lot of places claim this stat as fact. But it's not really true, as there is an important qualifier. Marriages, that end in divorce , last an average of 7 years. So not all marriages, since only half end in divorce. Most…
  • You can't tell. It's anonymous. Only the admins know who and they don't share lol.
  • No girl scout cookies in my country 😭
  • This is a general suggestion for most people, but in his case, I don't think I would go for 50%. A burn of 315 calories for an under-30, 230 pound male doing "intensive weights and cardio" doesn't sound unreasonable at all. And given that his calorie goal is already aggressive, I think the proper caution would be to eat…
  • I was using my calories as a general example, not necessarily what I thought you should eat. If you are sedentary in your nonexercise daily life, then your goal of 1600 I was using my calories as an example, not necessarily what you should be following. But given that your rate of loss is pretty aggressive already (close…
  • While you don't have to religiously eat every single calorie every day, it's a good idea to eat at or around your goal most days. If your goal is 1965, I certainly wouldn't only eat 1264 for a full day, except on a very rare ocassion if there were extinuating circumstances. The minimum daily recommended intake for men is…