Carnivore diet

Hi everyone,

I have been thinking of trying the carnivore diet.

I have managed to lose 60lb, from 240lb to 180lb on conventional dieting and exercise. I tried keto, and fasting, both were good. Now I just track macros and do intermittent fasting. Want to try the carnivore diet to see what all the rage is about. Just a 30day trial.

Anyone have any advice they would like to share? Macro ratio, types of meats and sourcing said meat (factory farming vs nom factory farming )

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you


  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Niche "diet" plans like Carnivore generally don't get a lot of positive replies in these main forums, where 99% of the members are just eating less but eating the same foods they always ate...things like low carb and vegan generally have special groups set up where people can discuss their preferred eating without the static from genpop.

    Here is the (only) Carnivore Group link:

    ...and here is the very popular Low Carber Daily Forum (where you might find other carnivore-diet practitioners.) It's an active group:
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,130 Member
    Tagging @FIT_Goat who seems to be the one who's mostly involved with the carnivore stuff. Hopefully s/he will reply here. I see there are Carnivore threads started by Fit_Goat in that LCDF.

  • RobAS355
    RobAS355 Posts: 20 Member
    Thanks cmriveraide I'll take a look at those threads.

    Girlwithcurls2. Thanks for the kind words and encouragement. I know what I am doing is working, just exploring diets, that's all, for no other purpose but to satisfy my curiosity about the diet. I am not 100% sold on it yet and not even sure that I will try it once I get the info I am looking for. But there has to be something there worth researching.

    Again, thank you all for the advice. Have a great day.
  • debtay123
    debtay123 Posts: 1,327 Member
    They have tons of stuff about it on youtube as well- don't know much about it- but it is certainly posted about a lot on youtube as well- good luck!
  • RobAS355
    RobAS355 Posts: 20 Member
    I dont think it's a fad, and I think you may have found a video of some who isnt all there.

    There must be merit to the diet. I found a very informative article on onnit. Worth a read.

    Look I have a specific reason to which I am looking into it. My profession takes me away from home a lot, sometimes to other communities for weeks at a time and sometimes to mining camps for weeks at a time. When living in crew housing in communities it's easy to eat right and maintain a balanced macro diet. When in a camp, in the Baffin Island for example there is a cook, cooking for hundreds of people. The quality is poor and maintaining a balanced macro diet becomes extremely difficult especially when work 12hrs or more a day. With a diet such as carnivore it easy and straight forward, just eat meat and animal products. So, this is my reason for asking and exploring the option because in June I will be such a camp till October, with only 18days out in total, 9 days a piece.

    It's not a matter of jumping on the latest fad diet but a matter of maintaining my body composition in which I worked like a dog to achieve.

    Anyway, thank you all for your valuable input, I appreciate you taking the time out of your day to pass along your info and opinions.
  • alyssa0061
    alyssa0061 Posts: 652 Member
    edited February 2020
    I find Reddit to have the best carnivore community. R/carnivorediet and r/zerocarb
  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    edited February 2020
    If you responded well to a keto diet I don't see any reason why you couldn't eat carnivore for a period of time. My only concern would be making sure you weren't relying solely on canned or dried meat the entire 5 months you were away--if fresh meat isn't available I'd supplement if it were me.

    I tried eating only meat for a month last year but there just wasn't any reason for me to stick with it--but I didn't have any issues either. From another carnivore thread:
    I respond exceedingly well to a fairly strict low carb diet so tried an all meat diet back in January I think (whatever world carnivore month was). I didn't experience any benefit -- other than deeper ketosis if that can be considered a benefit which I do not like. So of course I didn't stick with it.

    I will say that between a plant based low carb diet (that still includes meat just the majority of food coming from plants) and a meat based diet (that still includes plants) I do better on a meat based diet eating less vegetables. I still eat them with every meal -- I love fruits, vegetables, nuts and all of that so it's not a hardship -- but I no longer eat them with a "more is better" mindset and feel better for it.

    Excellent resource if anyone is interested:
    The Ultimate Guide to the Carnivore Diet

    Table of Contents

    1. What is the carnivore diet?
    1. Keto vs Paleo vs Carnivore: just a new trend?
    2. How can carnivore diets be ketogenic when they have so much protein?
    3. Are there any dangers to carnivore diets?
    4. Humans: carnivores or omnivores?
    1. Humans need meat
    2. Don't humans need plants?
    3. Anti-nutrients and metabolic changes
    4. Potassium
    5. Magnesium
    6. Vitamin C
    5. Won’t I need supplements on the carnivore diet?
    6. Won’t the carnivore diet leave me fiber deficient?
    7. Can a carnivore diet be healthy?
    8. Are carnivores just as crazy as vegans?
    9. Why are so many carnivores into Bitcoin?
    10. Conclusion

    Co-Written by L. Amber O’Hearn and Raphael Sirtoli
    Scientifically Reviewed by Sarah Neidler, PhD

    ETA: If you were going to give it a try definitely start before you leave. Apparently loose stools/diarrhea is a fairly common issue the first few weeks for some. :#
  • gothchiq
    gothchiq Posts: 4,590 Member
    OK so when you say carnivore you don't actually mean "meat only"?
  • RobAS355
    RobAS355 Posts: 20 Member
    That's exactly what carnivore is. Meat and animal products only.

    Would have to supplement with multi vitamins to keep micro nutrient levels normal, but this is important part of any diet, especially while training.

    And thanks for the warning in the first week or two haha.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    gothchiq wrote: »
    Human kidneys are not designed for an all protein diet and you will also become vitamin deficient. I would not do it.

    The carnivore diet wouldn't be all protein -- it would be a combination of protein and fat.
  • Urun4me
    Urun4me Posts: 37 Member
    Also, a lot of people smell a lot worse from eating meat, so if you're traveling a lot hopefully you have access to places with good showers.