mlfen0778 Member


  • Client. What about healthy fats at dinner , like a salmon. I know healthy fats are good. Hence their called healthy. I just don't wanna over do it each portion, and overall daily.. Sadly this app doesn't account for healthy fats. Wish they would change that. Also account for muscle building lol
  • There's so many books buy if you want to be a better runner. You can add hill repeats, sprint, tempo runs. Those will help you improve. There's also that would have tons of info
  • Thank you everyone for the great advice I'm a look into buying a slam ball, TRX cable use my treadmill for more than running on. @jjpptt2 I think you are right. If I want to be a better runner i need to do things more tailored for runners. I will have look up mobility stuff. Find information on website and figure out how i…
  • @claireychn074 The ball slamming thing sounds great. I would have to do it outside though. Can't slam against a wall. I live in a small condo and my gym room is small with carpeting
  • @I2k4 I had a meniscus tear and part of it removed and have developed some arthritis. The doctor wasn't really helpful and discouraged PT. I really don't want to contact since time has passed and knee has healed. I just know i was told doing marathons would destroyed my knee and i am still able to do 5k races. I am to…
  • @NorthCascades I live in Rochester NY. Which is upstate NY. There's nothing really special here. I live outside of the city. So there's nearby parks
  • @Maltedtea Thanks! That's a great idea. Hopefully I can get more as I am struggling alot with what to do emotionally.
  • @AnnPT77 I should probably look for a Rower that uses water or a fan for any natural resistance. And look into the Concept2 even if I have to hold off a while and save some money
  • Gisel2015. Thats one reason I'm looking for a an indoor. Due to all the running i have done over the years. My knees have gotten some arthritis and can easily get sore. So I'd like a simple Rower for my small home gym.
  • I would want a Rower probably for more cardio. I am a runner. I run 5ks and am looking to lose weight and put on lean muscle and build some strength in me. I can consider used rowers since the Machine would be more of a back up cross trainer. I am looking for whats durable for a tall person. The concept 2 is very…
  • Thanks! I will have to hold off on it for a while and save some extra money
  • I am doing pretty good with the diet part. Its finding the right exercises. How many and how heavy that im struggling
  • Nevermind the fat loss part. I just want to know how much protein for building lean muscle based on what i wrote above