I am not sure about detox, but I have found that adding lemon to my water first thing has boosted my metabolism greatly. I recommend 8-10 glasses a day while I have found that I only tend to add lemon to my first glass and the rest are plain. Be sure and add a straw to keep those teeth safe! I feel lighter and more toned…
I do this often lol
Girl I know it’s hard! Trust me I get it... it always takes me forever to really get comfortable and I’m bad shift letting this negative voice in my head take over and tell me how hopeless I am. I usually end up weaseling out and starting over it sucks. I’m at the point now that I’m not doing it... not giving up or letting…
Just try to be kind to yourself. Do not be like me and waste years of your life one day at a time. Sometimes you will eat cookies and get off track just make sure you get right back at it again. I often beat myself up to the point I give up... don’t do that! Where I am 30 mins ago was the first of September it’s a new…
Move my a** more and get back on the weight training! Drink water like a little fishy! No more candy it's time to nix it Christmas is over!
I'm in and I am down for 10! <3 <3 -Kimber