wanderingptp Member


  • The shirataki noodles are a game changer. If you prepare them as per the package instructions and include them with something with a sauce they are really quite grand. I found them at my local Natural Grocers for $1.99 per package which Is cheaper than the other stores or the internet. I also have started using alfredo…
  • We are on the keto eating program. I found the nutritional values of alfredo sauce to be very friendly. If it's too thick for what you want you might try thinning it out with skim milk or broth. Also, Costco has numerous spreads that are also very good and not too loaded with junk. Try different spices to vary your…
  • You should really be proud of yourself. A beautiful woman has been unveiled. My suggestion would be to consult with your dietician about the Keto eating program. He/she might not be familiar or in favor but lots of us are doing it and enjoying. Please let me know. I have Stage IV cancer and my oncologist likes the program…
  • wow. Great story. And who knew such a GOOD LOOKING GUY was hidden?
  • I have found that inputting most of the things in My Foods in standard amounts, i.e. 1 cup,100 grams, 1 ounce, is best. If you eat something with a 1 cup serving amount, change the serving size to .5. That way on your food log the item will give you the fat, etc., for 1/2 of what you have eaten. If you eat 4 ounces of…
  • My husband and I have been on the ketogenic diet since December 26. He has lost 5 lbs and I have lost 3 lbs. Best thing to do is read as much as you can on the internet and find recipes and menus that appeal to you. Keep in mind your daily carb intake needs to be below 20 carbs. Lots of meat, fish, chicken and believe it…