38 years old and open to any and all people to add. Love to motivate and be motivated by y’all.
Good luck man! We’ve all been there. Up and down. This place is great. Congrats on the wedding as well
Yeah I go to therapy. It’s very helpful, and I’ll echo what LyndaBSS said, want this for yourself and do it for yourself. I have done it for everyone but me, and now that I did it for me it’s easier to keep it off. Make no mistake, it’s tough to work through issues, but worth it. Good luck!
Here I thought I would help and drop some knowledge, Strongernurse did it and beautifully so. Perfectly said. Transparency is huge. It’s hard yet so worth it
Numbers lie. The more you look, the more discouraged you get. Hell, I think we have all been where you are at. I know I am. I’ve worked harder, eaten cleaner. Pissed the wifey off with the eating part and you know what? Same weight, every freaking time!🤬. I look better and feel better. Remember, this journey is about YOU.…
At least you know it works. Many don’t until they do. I say you’re at a better starting spot than some!
Welcome back. You can do this!
Sorry that I just saw this reply. I can see how it sounds like disordered thinking and that’s not what I meant by that. Thanks for calling my attention to it. What I meant was for me, when I’m feeling comfortable is when I become lax and let things slide. This, for me, leads to being content and not wanting to push myself…
Honestly, it’s kind of unfair because I work in a physically demanding job outside, so I get that exercise in. With that said, I do wake up at 4:00 and go to the gym because of family obligations after work. Does it suck, yeah. It what do you want from your body and how do you achieve that? You should never be comfortable…
I know it’s not right, but take that and use that as motivation. That’s what I’ve done with most of the negative things in my life. It’s hard to hear negative things that other people think, especially ones that love you. Best of luck and hey, you said you don’t like your stomach, work on it (I know I’m in the same boat).
Always down to be a motivational friend. Down around 50 and realizing there is more to go. Anyone feel free to add.
I tried to add, it seems as though it isn’t working. Fat thumbs maybe. I’ll try again later.
You’ve been through a lot! Way to refocus and and set goals. I hate running personally but have been doing as much as I can. It’s getting easier as the weight has come off. Going to be doing a 15k in March as well. Good luck!
It’s all about mindset. I also don’t like working out alone, but music changes that for me. Keep a fresh playlist handy and try to be cordial with the other patrons.
I just joined as well, it put me in Supersonic, but if y’all want me on a separate team, no worries, just let me know. Thanks :)
Good luck! Nothing is wrong in asking for help, it’s what you do after asking for said help. As mush as it pains me to say, OSU is a great place.
Always looking for more support and motivation. Add me
Always down for challenges. Let me know how and add me. Thanks! 👍🏻
If you’re fun, energetic, goofy and motivated, feel free to add me
You’re killing it! I will say I wish I had kept fitness up in the beginning when we had our first child. It’s so much harder, even 7 years in 😳
Same boat man, feel free to add.
Make it happen. Lots of good advice and people here
Halfway to my goal, would like some more friends on here as just starting to figure these forums out. Laughs and motivation are welcome!
I had the same thoughts. Tried a few apps and did this one for awhile before venturing here. Seems to be a good way to get some laughs and motivation.
In the midst of it now. Always looking for new friends, ideas and motivation
I’m basically in the same boat, keep working hard. I have been looking for someone and found out there is no one built like you, so get there and see what you think. Good luck brother
Went for a nice 4 mile walk this morning, trying to recover from a long run yesterday. Started to rain halfway through... typical. Time to watch some cartoons with the boy and head to church. MSU basketball @3:30! Happy Sunday y’all.
Just discovered this group. 38 here, getting back to my high school weight after falling off for way too long. Trying to get it done before our 10th anniversary trip at the end of June. Hi everyone!