So if the machines are accurate what’s the best way for me to measure how lean I am so when I’m what 11% bf I’ll know and for me to know I’m on the right track
Ok want your saying makes sense kinda so person A can be 150lbs say and be 11% bf but another person who also weights 150 lbs could be 13% bf correct ?
But my abs are more defined than they where when I was lighter
I want a physique like this guy
But I’m alright with having a little bit
Also I still feel like I could do with loosing some more body fat
How do I post a video ?
I’ll post a vid now this was the heavy lift
It’s only on the way up when I’m lifting the weight my knees just go outwards
I hear that I’ll bulk Till I’m happy with how lean I am and then il do a long lean bulk
If I cut to say 10% bf does that mean I’m going to get smaller in general and lose the muscle I have?
I was going to continue cutting but what do u guys recommend I do based on the picture?
Me at 17%bf
My current physique
I just want muscle mass and to be lean enough to have my abs popping, which should I work towards first
I’m terms of pictures I can just say that I’ve got 4 intersections of abs but then as it gets lower I have a little bit of a belly
I have been doing a compound lifts programme with bench press, squats deadlifts and other lifts
I’m 5,9 I weight 151 lbs I’m 18 percent bf and my goals are to have a good amount of muscle mass as well as being lean enough to have my abs defined like 10 percent body fat
Sorry for the late reply my goal physique is to be pretty big in terms of my size I want bigger arms and a bigger chest but also I want to be able to see my abs clearly and to have a six pack, my arms are feeling bigger since I started the bulk but now I don’t know if I should keep the bulk going while I’m young and…
The question is now I’m done bulking shall I cut or continue the bulk
I just want to know I know it’s going to take me ages and it’s not going to happen over night but it would be helpful to know a time frame so that if i don’t see differences i know somethings wrong
Listen I just want to make one thing clear when I come on here asking for help I know I should listen to people who know what they are doing that’s why I’m here to learn, I know I need to bulk But I’m just curious as to how long I should bulk for When it’s right for me to cut
But just to clarify Evan when I do gain some more muscle I’m not going to be ripped I would need to do a cut to get my abs more defined
Yeah I’m seeing some gains Lemmie not lie my arms are starting to get a bit bigger
And I was then I hurt my wrist (I think it was because of my form on my bicep curls) but I had my first day back there Wednesday and I’m going again today
Yh I was trying to be consistent get into the gym 3 times a week and just do my compound lifts and add more weigh as I went on
so You recommend I keep doing what I’m doing until I’m happy with my size despite me gaining a bit of fat and then cut after?
I’ve literally read all of your answers, I’ve been gaining a few pounds by listening to what your telling me to do but what’s the point me doing that if I still have some fat which is stopping me from seeing my gains