Does weight have anything do do with bf percentage
Hi everyone, recently ive been using a machine at the gym to track how lean I am and what body fat percentage I am ( I am to get as lean as possible so I can measure the effectiveness of a bulk) but I’m pretty heavy, I’ve been way lighter but I didn’t feel as lean as I am now it’s weird but what I’m trying to ask is are bf…
Since I started lifting I’ve not really Been sure if I should bulk or cut I have posted many threads before and I got good suggestions I listen to those suggestions but I’m never fully sure if I should bulk or cut The goal for me is to have a good muscle mass, to be strong and to also have visible abs and look good with my…
Knees go outward during deadlifts
Hi everyone I have been doing deadlifts for a while however last week when I lifted i heavier weight I noticed my knee bent outward, I was doing some more but with a lower weight and I noticed both my knees bend outward it looks worrying does anyone know why this is as I want to improve it because I don’t want my knees to…
Is this Normal?
With so much information available about fitness nowadays it makes me think of what I’m doing right now is correct, I’m 5,9 and 146 lbs I’m 17% body fat and I feel I have a decent amount of muscle for my age, currently I’m trying to get leaner with a goal of getting to 10% bf but I see people saying you can get lean and…
Bulk life or cut life
In the past few months my arms have definitely gotten bigger but should I continue with my bulk or should I cut for summer then continue the bulk after Any opinions and advice welcome
Gained about 10 lbs since I started bulking
I’m not sure if my scales are broken or if I have just gained fat although I seem to be staying pretty lean I’m now 151 lbs I’ve just been eating a bit more and lifting pretty heavy at the gym with compound movements Is this a successful bulk Going from 141lbs to 151lbs ?
Should i bulk or cut rn
I’m confused as to what to do most people tell me to bulk when they see my physique, however I feel like I still have some fat on me what should I do
Feeling really bloated in genreal
Hi everyone, most people when I ask if I should be bulking or cutting rn they say u should bulk up, but rn in general I feel bloated and like I’m carrying some weight on my belly would u guys recommended keeping the bulk for a while and just dealing with the belly then cutting later when I’ve bulked up or cut now then bulk
On the right track ?
I’m 5 foot 9 and 140 lbs been lifting for 2 months now 3 times a week focusing on compound lifts Bench press Pull ups weighted Squats Deadlifts I try and lift heavier each time And I do a bit of everything else when I’m down at the gym My problem is what I’m eating I know Roughly how many calories i should be eating to…
I’ve been lifting for a few weeks
I know it take a long time to grow muscle but i haven’t gained a pound should I increase my calories or continue doing what I’m doing? And wait How do I know my bulk is working?
Dont know what to eat to bulk
I’m bulking using compound lifts a few times a week I know I need to eat about 2500 calories but I’m not sure what kind of things to eat Can anyone give me suggestions I don’t eat junk food at all or sugary drinks My go to is pasta but I don’t know if that’s right Open to suggestions
Struggling to preciscely track calories
Hi everyone I’m trying to bulk up and know how many calories I need but I’m struggling to work out exactly how many calories I’m eating I don’t cook for myself and I know that better results come when you calculate calories
Eating nesquick when bulking
Hi everyone I’m currently trying to gain weight by increasing my calories to 2500 and lifting 3 times a week(compound) Would I be ok to put nesquick in my milk to help me gain weight ?
My mind is telling me no but my body my bodies telling me yeah
Hi everyone I’m confused as to if I should try and bulk up or Lower my bf percentage, my goal is lean abs but I also want a good amount of muscle all over I’m not sure which one to do below is what I look like now I’m 5,9 And 140 lbs
Am i a freak ?
I’ve got two rows of abs instead of 3 that I see on most people how can I see another row of abs ?
Bulk or cur for more defined abs
Hi everyone this is me topless I’m 5,9 and 140 pounds, I want to be able to see my abs more defined in any lighting as well as being able to see the third row of my abs Do I cut my calories and do some cardio to reveal the third row of my abs Or bulk my calories to get them more defined ?
Struggling to bulk
I’m 140 pounds and 5,9 I’ve been not as consistent with gym recently but I’ve just started again what would you guys recommend I do if I want to build more Muscle and get my abs more defined ?
Not sure what i should be eating to gain mucle
I eat healthily in general I don’t drink fizzy or sugary drinks and I don’t eat fatty foods but I’m not really sure what exactly I should eat my default thing to go to eat is pasta salad is this wrong what else should I be eating?
bulk or cut ?
hi everyone, im 5,9 and 141 lbs below is an attached flexed vs relaxed pic of me I really want to be able to see my abs better without flexing and to be able to see them no matter what lightning I have shall I cut my calories and do cardio to try and lose wight or shall I eat more calories and lift 3 times a week open to…