I’ve been going to the gym for a few years but only playing really in the past , last Christmas I got a bit heavy so started a diet and went from 14 stones 2 down to 12 stones 4 by about June, I then wanted to do a clean ish bulk, I train 4 times a week , each body part twice a week, doing 8 sets of each body part twice a…
Ok thanks, thinking you maybe on to something there, I am Dieting at the moment and on a caloric deficit Of around 500 cal a daybut I’ve managed to keep my weights up to around the same on about all my other body parts..
Thanks I will look it up...👍
Thanks, it's good to hear I'm at least doing the right things, I'm now at 14.9 percent body fat at aged 51, and also was wondering what percentage to try to get down to before upping my calories to just over maintenance to try and build some muscle back?
The only thing I have to go on is the in body analysis thingy in the gym... and that is what it said?