Played Clarienet in band
Feel Free
Penelope Cruz
How long can I stay upside down without getting a head rush?
Great job! Sounds like you have some dedication!
Love Boat
Entering my Food and Scrolling Through the Forum
Athlena-x has great videos updated about 3 times a week
I watch TONS of YouTube videos to continuously give me different ideas on how to lift, and how to lift properly.
I'm taking in about 4,100 Kcal a day as well and have gained 15.6 LB in the past month. I also use a Mass Gainer protein shake to help out. I also hit it with Heavy weights in the gym with 2 rest / cardio days on Monday, and Thursday.
Yeah, Kind of new to this forum but figured I could meet some people that know info about a variety of subjects rather than one focus. I'll be looking to "cut" once I reach about 225 LB's I've gained 15 Lb so far in the past month and grown quite a bit. So what do you mean by fuel up, sorry don't know all the lingo, and I…
no not competition, However in the next Year or 2 I would like to say that I could get on stage if I wanted too