msmethotfrench Member


  • Did I track everything? Yes Did I exercise? Yes Did I stay within my budget? Yes As for the question, binging is something I occasionally struggle with. But for me, it's more that I have certain times and situations that are triggers for me. I pass a McDonald's, 2 Dunkin Donuts, and a Starbucks on the way home from work. I…
  • Did I track everything? Yes Did I exercise? Yes Did I stay within my budget? Yes Caved to a drive thru snack on my way home from work, but made up for it with exercise, a light dinner and more exercise in the form of vigorous cleaning. 1 pass day used
  • Did I track everything? Yes Did I exercise? Yes Did I stay within my budget? No. I was doing well all day, but got haaangry in the afternoon and went over. 🙈 I'm still more or less happy with my day because: My husband let me get away from the kids for a couple hours for some "me time". Usually, when I go out alone, my…
  • Did I track everything? Yes Did I exercise? Yes Did I stay within my budget? Yes It was a hard first day today as I took my kids out and we ended up getting fast food. But I chose a salad, and I made time to exercise. Taking it day by day.
  • Hi all. I'm Danielle. I just rejoined MFP. Im really hoping to lose some weight finally. I have 2 small children and a very busy lifestyle. Hoping this group will give me some focus. Thanks.
  • Hi. I'm Danielle. I know it's already February 5th. But I just rejoined MFP on February 1 after stagnating with WW for over a year. I need something external to motivate me, and I think a challenge like this is just the ticket. If I can still join, could you add me and tell me what to do next? Thanks, D.