Newby1974 Member


  • 130 miles! OMG! I knew cycling was a thing but I didn't realize is was like all that! They do the Tour de Paris (Texas) here every year. Appreciate the insight in the beetroot. It is on my list of supps to be added. I'm slowly building up my own stash of pure supps without the additives, bought online to make my own blend…
  • There's nothing to be confused about. It's simply I had kinda hoped there was another answer. For example, a lot of responses besides slow down a little has been about shoes. Also, I had read about a beet root supplement that helps runners and bikers. I kinda expected a mention of something like that, but nothing yet.
  • Another post about shoes. Maybe there really is something to it. 🤔
  • I have never given thought to my shoes, in part because I hate shoe shopping. Last time I bought shoes I walked into Payless going "no, no, no, yes. My size? Good, let's go home." I thought the shoes looked familiar, turned out I was wearing the exact style I bought the year before. A few months later Mom surprised me with…
  • Because I wanna push a lil harder, further and faster. I don't wanna hafta slow down... Even if show and steady wins the race, so to speak.
  • I was afraid of hearing that. 😐
  • Yes. Just lazy strolling around the neighborhood isn't a problem. But at the gym I move quick at the pace of 4 mph or jog at 5-6. It's my cardio time to get my fat burning blood moving for the weight lifting.
  • Thank you. Appreciate the tip.
  • No. It never occurred to me. 🤔
  • You have no dumb questions. MFP has a policy against advertising and linking so I wanted to take care not to tread on it. Creatine has something to do with the body's production of creatiNine. The way I understood it, it hydrates the muscles allowing other supplements easier access. The protein, I take the whey isolate. I…
  • New here also. Jan 25, 2019 I discovered the Samsung Health app on my phone. I had been going to the gym, but finding the Health app seems to have changed how I approach things. It led me to MFP and I use them together. I was bumping 206 lbs. I couldn't remember my exact weight, so my first day is logged at 205. This…
  • Hi Clarisse. I'm new to MFP as well and this is my first time on the community site. Bear with me if I come across ill informed, I'm just sharing my current approach. Unlike you, I AM trying (and succeeding) to lose weight. I'm not too far over (roughly 30 lbs) but want to head it off before it gets harder to do. I had…